Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to my Best Friend! The last 19 years have been the best ever and the next 19 plus will be even better! I Love You So!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Brian Head Weekend!

This year instead of camping Terry's mom and dad decided it would be fun to rent a cabin at Brian Head and spend a weekend there. Terry's mom and dad headed up early Fri July 9th and the rest of us arrived in the evening. After an hour decision making process of where everyone would sleep we all got settled and the fun began. We had lots of good:

Food. . .
Robyn and Adam making their yummy pancake, egg, hashbrown, saugage breakfast. THANK YOU ROBYN AND ADAM!!!

We had tons of treats that the kids devoured. Jantzyn with her twinkie smile.

Grandpa and Grandma did dutch oven chicken, ribs, and potato dinner. The guys getting in touch with their homemaking side.

Grandpa waiting for the coals to get hot enough for the dutch ovens.

Terry and Jantzyn built the fire to get the coals hot enough.

Eating the yummy dinner.
FUN. . .

Kevin and Jen made playing cards (from yearbook yourself) with everyone's faces with different eras. It was hilarious to see how they turned out and we laughed about it for about an hour before we actually started playing any games.

The backs of the cards are all five of the guys. See if you can figure out who is who.

The guys went on a bike ride.

Everyone greeting them when they got home. It had just started to rain and they had been gone a long time so we were releaved to see them all in one piece. Especially Terry since he was the only beginner going on a very not beginner trail.

While the guys were biking the rest of us went on the ski lift to the top of the mountain. This is how the kids rode to the lift.

Tavin, Jadyn, and Jorrin entertaining themselves while we got everyone ready to go.

The way up. Notice Ethan's face he was not too happy to be going on the lift (I dont think Jen was that exicted about it either for that matter). But he (and Jen) did great and made it up and down.

Jorrin using the no hands approach while getting of the lift.
When we got off we were surprised to still see snow on top so of course the kids had to put it to use.


Don't they look so innocent.

Going back down.

The kids spent every minute they could on the swings during the day while it wasn't raining or getting to infested with mesquitos.
They had some little swings for the not so brave also.

Jaicelyn waiting for her turn.
The swing that injured every kid at least once, but they still wouldn't stay off of it.

Even the spectators had fun.

Robyn brought a bead craft for the kids and even the grownups had fun doing this. I think Terry, Kevin, and Tyson made several of them.

Terry's creations (except the cupcake that's mine).

While it was raining or got to dark to play outside the kids were kept entertained in the basement.

Playing games.

or playing with toys, or watching videos on the big screen tv.

We also played a fun, stinky game of Sardins. Everyone coming out of our room aka "The Closet". There was probably 15-20 people crammed into places there shouldn't be and people used the opportunity to let themselves be known if you know what I mean. Phew!!
Let's not forget the many hours of....

Jadyn and Tavin were really on one. They performed for at least an hour and a half. Sometimes to music sometimes without. We were laughing hysterically.

These two should be on "America's got talent". This was all improv by the way.

The next night all the kids got in the act and we had a talent show. This was after the talent show had ended and they had been downstairs for a while. Poor Talen they even got him.

Sunday was our last day and Mom Losee thought it would be fun to go to sacrament. The kids waiting for sacrament to start.
Our family had a wonderful time and won't forget the "cabin at Brian Head".

Grandpa and Grandma locking up the cabin. Thank you so much for the fun weekend!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Jaicelyns Birthday Wish

For sometime now Jaicelyn has been into horses. One day we were talking and I said one of the girls I work with has a lot of horses, her eyes brightened and she begged me to talk to her to see if she could ride one. So for her birthday we took her for her first horse ride. She loved every minute of it and because Lindsey was so nice she was able to not only ride the horses, but to feed them hay, get their water, touch their teeth and hooves, and play with the baby horse. In her word, "The best day of her life."

Jaicelyn feeding the horse while waiting for Lindsey to get her horse ready to ride.

She was in heaven.

Thanks Lindsey for taking the time to make Jaicelyn's Birthday wish come true.

Every year on the girls birthday they get to go to dinner with just me and Terry, and they get to pick where they want to go. This year Jaicelyn chose Applebee's.
Enjoying her hot fudge sunday after the waitresses sang the Happy Birthday song to her.
Giving Jantzyn a hug after she gave her the new Harry Potter Lego DS game.

Opening her offical Toy Story 3 Ken and Barbie.

Showing off her Toy Story cupcake Jorrin made for her. I think she had a great B-day this year. I can't believe she is already 10.