Our Family

Our Family

Friday, January 15, 2010

Today's Disney Trivia Question

Yesterdays ? What new characters are in the Pirates of Caribean Ride?

Today's ? How many days a year is Disneyland open?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Count down begins!

Ever since the girls found out that we were going to Disneyland Janztyn has been asking how many more days and she has tried to pack at least 2 times. We finally decided to make a count down calendar and chain for the girls to do each day. On the chain I wrote a Disney trivia question that they get to answer each day and then they get to put a Mickey sticker on the calendar. This has helped quite a bit with Jantzyn asking how long until we go, now she counts the chain and knows when it only has 2 or 3 left she can pack (she reminds me of this every day)!
I thought it would be fun for anyone who wants to, to be able to do our trivia each day (if I can get my blog up on my computer that day). Here are some we have had so far! PS if you can't figure out the question let me know and I will give you the answers.

1. In Tarzan's tree house who from Beauty and the Beast can be found in the kitchen area?
2. What canyon is the Big Thunder Railroad ride modeled after (hint: its in utah)?
3.Walt Disney's family crest is above the archway at the entrance to _________ _______ ________.
4.Which ride has the most audio-animatronics on it?
5.What is the shortest ride in Disneyland?
6. What ride is made to look like an old time wooden coaster but is actually made of steel?
7.What ride was scheduled to open on opening day but wouldn't work properly so it sat for two weeks before opening?
8.How old was the first Tinkerbell that flew across the sky to begin the fireworks show?
9. What does the entrance to Disneyland made to look like?
10. What Disney character can be found on your way into the Indiana Jones Ride?
11.Above what ride does Snow White's stepmother the evil queen pop out of the curtains?
12. What ride did Walt originally want real animals for but was told they would hide or sleep all day?
13.What street was created so we always "embrace those wonderful feelings of days gone by"?
14.What day did Disneyland open for the first time?
15. What can be found on the Big Bear on Grizzly Rapids tooth between its canine teeth?
16. In the locker room part of the Monsters Inc. ride, what three disney characters can be found in a firetruck behind a locker?
17. How many tea cups are there to ride on the Mad Hatter Tea Cup ride?
18. In which land (s) can you find the Matterhorn ride? (the girls got this questions right so they recieved their backpacks, landyards, and pins).
19. Which ride (s) are actually outside the current Disneyland Park?
20. What new characters are in the Pirates of Caribean ride?
21. How many days a year is Disneyland open?
22. What is the tallest attraction in the park? (hint: its in tomorrow land)
23. What princess was in Disney's very first full length animated film?
24. What roams the park at night after guests leave and why?
25. What are the people that work at Disneyland Called?
26. What is the newest disney animated movie in theaters right now? (the girls answered the question right and got a Princess and the Frog DS game to play on the ride down).
27. Where are the Losee's going tomorrow also known as "The Happiest Place on Earth"?