Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Nativity

Every year we go to the temple and listen to the Nativity and walk around the temple. He is our pictures from this years visit.

Our surprise Christmas Present to the girls

We're going to Disneyland!.

After all the presents were opened and they were thinking Christmas was over. Terry said oh ya we forgot a present and gave them each a bag with a puzzle in it. We made them sit and start to put them together until they got into them enough to kindof see what it was (the castle and paradise pier). Then we brought out another box for each that had their disney shirts. By that time they kindof figured it out. Then they opened a autographed picture of Mickey Mouse. Lastly, we gave them each $40.00 in Disney Dollars and told them when we were going. They are very excited.

Jay and Jor opening their shirts

The baby got Pooh Bear.

A Losee Christmas Story 2009

Merry Christmas! This year we had a small but wonderful Christmas. The girls got everything the needed and even a couple things they wanted.

Every year they say they are going to get up early, but every year Terry and I have to wake them up around 7:30 or even as late 8:00 sometimes. This year was no different

Jantzyn got her DS she had asked Santa for.

Jaicelyn was soooo excited about her life size horse. She has been glued to it every since.

Jorrin got her phone that she begged and begged and begged and begged (you get the idea) for.

Jadyn got a message chair and her Hollister perfume she wanted.

Jantzyn and Jaicelyn playing with their toys.

The after math of Christmas morning. Terry always makes fun of me becuase I try to make them throw away the wrapping as they go but it never lasts very long and looks like this at the end.

Family Christmas Party

This year we had the annual Losee Christmas party. We have made it a tradition to eat at Pirate Island Pizza and then go to someone's home and have dessert, act out the nativity and play games. THis year it was our turn.

The Adults waiting for the Nativity to start.

The nativity was actually very good this year (we have had some major fights and comotions in some past years). Stacy had given everyone their parts with they script a couple days before so everyone knew and could practice. This year there was even a song that Jorrin and Calli sang.

We also played some fun games and had Christmas trivia.
Brandon acting out one of our "Christmas Words".

We had our party on the 23rd, Joseph Smiths B-day so grandma talked to the kids a little about the Prophet and how important he is to us.

The kids each get PJ's from grandma every year. THis year they all got Disney PJ's but noone noticed or said anything about except tavin. Grandma already had it planned out what to say if they did. She said she didn't want them to complain so she got all the same type of thing.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Life Lesson Learned

In school this year Jadyn is taking a
teen living class in which they learn a lot of things I wish I they would of taught teenagers when I was young. This lesson was being a teen parent. They had to bring a 10 lb bag of flour or a baby doll weighed down to 10 lbs. Jadyn chose the flour and decorated it with her new baby cousin Jenna's face. They also had to name it she chose Oaklyn Mei. THey had to look up baby items and compare them. When jadyn did this she told me, "Holy Crap babies are expensive". My reply "Ha, Ha, Ha, and that's just the beginning." She had to take the baby everywhere with her, she could use a babysitter twice. She slept with her baby in a
doll baby carrier and had to keep an hourly

journal of what she was doing with the
baby. She only left her in the car once
(she felt terrible) when she went with
Terry to pick up Jantzyn at Robyn's.
I think this was a great lesson for the kids
to see they are not ready to be parents yet
and I think she learned that in that short