Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jorrin's 13th Halloween B-day Party

First of all it was the BYU/TCU game so needless to say this is what the men did the whole party...well until BYU got way behind then they came out to see what was going on.

Now on to the reason for the blog. Jorrin wanted to invite 20 people to a party this year so I knew it would have to be somewhere and doing something I could afford with that many, so I called Grandma Losee and started planning.
We had a dinner where the names of the foods the kids ate were hard to figure out.
They had either whitches bloody or pus filled (I hope that's better RobYn) brains. AKA marinara or alfredo sauce on noodles.
Frankie finger -bread sticks
Monster skin flakes-salad
Goblin Goo-jello
Graveyard Dirt -an ice cream dessert.
THe kids picked the order they wanted to eat and it was fun to see the order that came to them!

What's a dinner without a food fight!

The kids on their Scary Scavenger Hunt.

Preforming the skits they made up with the stuff from the scavenger hunt!

Jorrin Opening Presents.
They also played games in the dark and listened to music and just had fun!

My Little Monster

A little Monster has been practicing writing her name. This last week she decided to move from creating on paper to other canvises such as ....

Kitchen chairs!

And she was smart about it she tried to write her sisters name also as to throw off our suspicions. But we were too smart and figured it out. Needless to say her creativity has been thrwarted. She will be going back to only paper creations.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Jadyn's first high school soccer season

Jadyn has loved every minute of her soccer season this year. She has met many new friends and has learned and grown so much both as a person and soccer player in just the 5 months since she started practicing with the team in the summer. She has started on JV all season and has played quite a few varsity games as well. In her last JV game she played the whole game when the coach finally took her out with 6 mins left we clapped and were so proud of her thinking she was done, then he put her right back in as a forward and she scored the last goal of the JV season! We have all loved watching her play in each game. We have learned a lot about the game this year and have enjoyed meeting and getting to know the parents of her teammates. Thanks to everyone for their support this year. Jadyn loves having fans! What a great year!
The whole year Jadyn has been asking Terry and I "Do you think I will make it next year?" We just laugh and make jokes with her about it. But I think her chances are quite good of making it again next year.

Jadyn waiting to go in to be a forward and score the goal in the last game.

Jadyn playing defense, which is her position that she has done awesome in all year!

How I spent my B-day!

Jadyn and Jorrins Dance studio had a chance for the girls to perform at the BYU-UNLV half time on Sat. and they were offering tickets for family for a really cheap price so we checked with everyone and we decided the whole family wanted to go. Jadyn and Jorrin had to be there at 10:00 for a practice so I drove them down and Terry and the rest came down later.

After the practice we had the rest of the day to do nothing so I thought it would be fun to take the girls shopping at a mall that had more the one story. The funny thing is though, everything we bought we have that store in St. George, oh well it was the experience right?

Terry, the two little ones and his mom and dad arrived at 5:30 so they took me to dinner for my B-day (I have a lovely sombrero to show for it), and then we headed to the game. Everyone had a great time watching the game eating tons of treats that Grandma supplied (I still dont know how she got away with sneaking it in), and even though I was worried how Jaice and Jantz would do they had a ball.