Our Family

Our Family

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Aniversary to my buddy of 18 years!
If we only knew then......

We'd still be happy as ever (even though we've had our share of ups & downs).
I am glad we've come this far together and look foward to at least 18 more years.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jaicelyn's Birthday Party!

My girls only get B-day parties every other year so they have a while to think about what they want to do. This year Jaicelyn couldn't decide between swimming or Pirate Island. But I started brain storming and we came up with a "Beach Party" theme that we could do at the swimming pool. Jaice and her friends swam, ate Hawiian Pizza, slushes, and fruit cabobs. They got all the things you need to make a beach party fun: sand buckets, leis, beach balls, bubbles, and made paper flowers for their hair. Everyone had a fun time and stayed cool at the same time.
Jaicelyn, and friends Halli, Emily, and Breanna doing the Hula and showing off their hair flowers they made.

Eating their yummy lunch.
Keeping cool in the swimming pool.

Happy Beach Birthday Party Jaicelyn!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July in the Mountains

On our way home from last years campout at Panguich Lake, we drove through Duck Creek and determined we would like to stay in the campgrounds there next time. We decided the 4th weekend would be the perfect time. About a month before, we checked for reservations in the campgrounds but all that was left from the Cedar Campground to Panguich Lake were first come first serve sites. We knew that we would get away late in the day since I had to work, and not wanting to get up there and find nothing and have to come home, we turned again to our cousins Bob and Shayla Wells (http://boshma.blogspot.com/). Bob's family owns property just above the village at Duck Creek and said we would be welcome to stay there. It turned out to be the perfect camping spot. (Well, except Sheri would only use a toilet so we spent a lot of time driving to the campground restrooms). It is nestled back in the pines with plenty of room, shade, and privacy which we would not have had at the campgrounds. The lot features two tables, a nice fire pit and a tree with a mustache. After we arrived and took in our surroundings, we quickly set up the tent and settled in for a dinner of Subway Sandwiches from Cedar City. Then we sat around the fire telling tales of the "one eyed bear". The next morning we set out exploring. We checked out Duck Creek Village and played in the crystal clear but freezing waters of Navajo Lake. A couple years ago Andy Ginnocchio, who used to be a ranger on Cedar Mtn. took us on a cool hike and showed us some breathtaking waterfalls. We wanted to do it again so we drove around trying to remember where it was but to no avail. So we decided to drive out to a place called "Cascade Falls". After driving a few minutes Sheri exclaimed "hey this is it!" And so it was. We enjoyed a hike to the overlook of Zion Park and surrounding areas and sniffing the strawberry and vanilla trees. The trail to the falls were closed but that didn't stop anyone from going so Jadyn, Jorrin and I decided we would venture. Sheri stayed up top with the other girls. Again, just like with Andy, we were rewarded with a view of a beautiful waterfall coming right out of the rocks. There is a tunnel where the water comes out that we wanted to explore, but it was already full of other explorers and looked a little sqishy so we will have to try again next time. We went back to camp and had lunch and then enjoyed a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Losee and Grandma Kendall. They had run up to spend the afternoon with us. We wandered around checking out cabins (one of which was owned by a family we knew from Mesquite, so it was fun talking with them). After visiting, taking walks and naps, it was time to prepare for the Dutch Oven Dinner. This is my favorite part of camping (eating, not preparing) and it was delicious! After more visiting and running to the campground restroom, it was time for the visitors to head back to St George and time for us to head to Brian Head. We heard that they had a good fireworks display and we were not dissappointed. We arrived about an hour before dark so we wandered around checking out the huge bonfire and roasting marshmelows for Smores. I couldn't believe how packed the town was. Cars and trucks lined both sides of the highway and people sitting at the side of the road as if they were awaiting a parade. People also filled the meadow and the City Park area. As we waited we had to get bundled up in coats and blankets. It looked like we were waiting for the New Years fireworks not the 4th of July fireworks! It was an awesome setting with the fireworks lighting up the trees around us and the "Booms" echoing off the mountains like thunder. The next morning after sleeping in, getting breakfast, cleaning up camp, playing around and taking one last trip to the campground restroom, it was almost 1:00. We had wanted to check out Cedar Breaks but everyone seemed ready just to head home. Thanks again Wells Family for allowing us the use of your lot. It was a perfect setting for our 4th of July in the Mountains!

Jantzyn called this guy "Mr. Mustache"
Fireworks in the mountains

All bundled up waiting for the firework

The town was packed!

Sheri enjoying the warmth of the bonfire

Jantzyn making Smores

The chefs hard at work

On the trail to Cascade Falls

Looking into the tunnel where the water comes out

Jadyn trying to fish with some line and a hook she found

Navajo Lake

Also Navajo Lake

Again Navajo Lake

Sheri crossing the dike at you know where

Sitting on a tree that looks like it was blown over but is still growing, sideways

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Making a bouquet for mom