Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Kiddos

I had a little time today and thought I'd post some pictures to our sorely neglected family blog! :)

I should also mention that we have moved back to Snowflake. We have been here since Oct. 17th of this year. We moved back into our old house on Pear street. We love being back in our old neighborhood! We are adjusting to being in a small(er) house. The kids are doing pretty good getting settled into their new schools and classes. I always worry about them when we  move but, they have always come through the moves just fine and I know this move will be the same. I also know that the adjustment periods can be a little uncomfortable no matter where you are or who you are. 

Weston turned 8 in September and was baptized by his dad on October 10th in Queen Creek the Saturday before we moved. :) It was a good day. His baptism was early in the morning. We had family over for breakfast afterwards. I took Weston shopping prior to his baptism to look for a suit. He had been looking forward to getting one. :) He's worn it every Sunday since. Shopping with him was interesting. He is all boy. He just wants to get in, get what he wants and get out. I had him trying on all sorts of things! I wish I had recorded some of his comments because it was pretty funny. He was a good sport about it. I took him to the  out to dinner afterwards. 
Isn't he handsome!?

Miss Adelin was playing catch with a neighbor on Halloween and tripped and ended up at the emergency room getting 14+ stitches in her shin.  She and her dad removed them 10 days later. She is a tough girl and very brave. She also has a very high pain tolerance...which helps in times like getting stitches. 
Kaitlyn turned 13! She is as fun and smart and helpful as ever. She had a new adventure when she had her appendix removed Nov 30th. She made it through just fine. She was pretty sore for a few days but now she is out and about! She is currently trying out for SJHS girls basketball team. (fingers crossed)

 Adelin turned 10 yesterday! She is our budding artist. She likes to draw and be crafty...and she's good at it! She loves cats, taking care of babies, reading, playing with friends and being silly!

 Excuse the crusty boogers...but this little guy is our main source of entertainment these days! He is playful and mischievous and says funny things. He misses Queen Creek and talks about our house there and how we don't have a garage anymore. :) He's lots of fun.

 Connor is having fun here in Snowflake. He and our neighbor Maggie have become the best of friends. It's very cute. They are like an old married couple. She tries to keep him in line and he tries to do whatever he wants and they argue about it...but they can't seem to get get enough of each other! Connor is in Mrs. Slade's kindergarten class. Kaitlyn has Mrs. Slade too for that's fun. Connor is sweet with a stubborn streak. He loves to snuggle though and gives me hugs all day long.

This is something I love about this house...our wood stove. I have to brag for a minute...over something totally basic. Building fire.  I am getting good at it again. We've been teaching Weston how to build a fire too and he is more than happy to help with that chore!

Well...that's all for now!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Completely Random Pics from my phone (not in any order)

 Kaitlyn's last picture before braces...Nov. 18th  2014 
 Her newly braced face...

  We went to the Phoenix Temple Open House

Cameron is so stinking cute...even when he is messing up his church clothes

 Kaitlyn's 12th birthday party at AZ ICE skating rink

 Kaitlyn and Cameron swinging on the swing

Butterfly from  Butterfly Wonderland in Scottsdale 
(it landed on the sidewalk in front of us)

 Westy...the butterfly whisperer

 Cameron with his new toy before his surgery. You can tell he's scared :'(

 Kaitlyn before church

 Rylyn and Kaitlyn looking swag after the end of their basketball season

 Addie and Kaitlyn having fun at Kohl's

 Cameron lining up his cars. He might be a little OCD ;)

Connor and his mommy 

 The Flake kids naturally waiting for Levi to come home from his mission

 Us hanging with Mickey at Disneyland this summer

 Leah and the kids decided to make a train

 Weston's first day of 2nd grade in Mrs.Johnson's class

 Connor's first day of Kindergarten in Mrs.Lalama's class

 Addie's first day of 4th grade in Mrs. White's class

 Kaitlyn's first day of Junior High

 Connor's fifth birthday.Swim party!!

 Cutie-Pie Cameron at our visit to the Mesa temple

 Jennifer and Brandon at the Grand Canyon (15 year Anniversary Trip)

 The train we took to the Grand Canyon from Williams, AZ

 Addie and Mom after Wicked at the Gamage theater

 Weston's 8th birthday at Barros a few weeks ago

 Kaitlyn getting her low-lights 

 Addie looking fabulous at one of the cut-outs in Butterfly Wonderland entrance

 Addie at her 3rd grade awards assembly

  Cameron snuggling  with his Uncle Chris's blanket. He goes everywhere with his "banktey" (blankey in Cameron lingo)

Everyone w/ the knight at Golf land after mini golfing

(Commentary by Kaitlyn Flake)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


okay. so. just so you peeps know, studio c comes out September 15 . SO BE EXCITED!!!!!!!""";););):):)

Friday, April 10, 2015