Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Guess who these items belong to.

I really love her, I can't believe she is almost 2!

She got her first Birthday present from Ga today, she loved it!
She opened the princess and horse to play with right away and
changed into her new dress immediately.
I think she will enjoy her party when she gets tons of presents and attention...
and gum.
She seriously loves gum.
and purses...
and boots...and horses... and kitties...and dresses...and sleeping in Mama's bed.
Among many other silly things.
*Random side story* lately she calls other little girls "princess" (namely the ones with pretty shoes or something of the kind), last weekend at walmart she looked at the cashier girl ringing us up, then looked at Codee and whispered "princess". I am not exactly sure why but it was pretty dang sweet.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Not NY...again?

I'm really not sure if there is a good enough explanation as to why I have now done TWO posts and neither of them have been about New York...what the? But this is just a super quick post, look at all these cute baby pictures I have on my phone!! I thought it was funny:)
Do you know who is who?
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No pictures, please.

I am sure that I will soon be flooding this blog with a ridiculous amount of pictures taken in New York but before we get to that I just want to remind myself what it was like to leave my kids...actually that part was pretty welcome, let me rephrase that...what it was like to come back to my kids;) While I wasn't crying at every baby I saw (like someone else I know), at the end of every night, no matter how exhausted or how bad my feet hurt (it got pretty ugly one night) I couldn't help but to lay in bed and wonder what my stinkers were doing. There was a very strong sense of feeling that I was not where I was needed most. Let's face it, I spend A LOT of time with the little goofballs so I wasn't feeling guilty or worried (I knew they were being spoiled rotten) I just couldn't shake the desire to take care of them. I'm not sure I am getting my point across well enough but if you are a mother, I'm sure you catch my drift:) When we finally got back to St. George I was anxious to see them. I was tired, they were too, still we stayed up too late looking at pictures of my trip, playing with their new gifts I brought them and laying in my bed...and I couldn't get myself to ask them to leave my side...so they didn't! We all three slept in my bed, even all three on my SIDE of the bed. I hardly slept at all for fear of waking up Soph who was smashed between Jackson and I but it was well worth it. I held Soph way too much today...even rocked her to sleep (while standing up holding her). It's good to be home:)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lucky Me

What are you doing this morning?
Hanging out with this cute little ladybug. Jealous?

My Little Lady Bug

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Springdale for the afternoon.

July 14th Jay, Karen and I decided to pack up the kids and head for Springdale. We were looking for something a little different to do with the kids but mostly we were looking for somewhere that was a few degrees cooler than St. George:) It wasn't some spectacular event but it was a day full of cousins and ice cream and running around. That is what is (is what it is;) so great about living by your fam...every day is spectacular!! (wether you ask for it or not:)
I totally love my nieces and nephews...even the ones not pictured here...enough to put up with all their parents crazy, just for the chance to hang out with them.

She likes to hold hands, be the boss, make everyone run and she LOVES Carter!

p.s. where's Jackson?..anyone know?

One Random Night

So you know how I am crazy right? Well I can't stand doing these posts out of order but I also can't get myself to blog anymore without doing these...they are on my blog 'to do' list. I know it's pathetic but what can you do. So here goes three out of order posts...if I can go through with it.
*July 9th, 2011
*Ice cream @ DQ with E & K
*Watch the kids run till they are sick
*Fiesta Fun for mini golf
A fun night for all (even Eric and Codee) complete with rain and fireworks!!