Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cede's 6th birthday

I mostly wanted to learn how to put a movie clip on here, atleast I think that is a good excuse for posting this clip of Cede opening her birthday peresent. When I showed this to Codee he said "oh no, we are starting to treat our dogs better than our kids." I don't know about that but I will admit that I get to much enjoyment from the stupid poochies:)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Blessing

Ok, I admit it, I wrote that title with the voice of the old man from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation in my head. I can't say or hear those words without thinking it. I know I am a huge nerd but knowing is half the battle, right?
I didn't really want to showcase myself qutie this much but it was the only way I could get it to work, I swear, so here are some pics. of sweet Sophia in her fancy dress with her Mom and Dad:)
Posted by PicasaWe blessed Sophie last Sunday, it was so special of course and OF COURSE everything that could go wrong, did. Jackson came with his Grandma and almost missed the whole thing, almost everyone was late (shout out to Jamie and Karen for being on time!), the mic. wasn't working so only those in the circle heard the actual blessing, I assume it was a good one though cause Codee was crying like a baby the whole time:) and someone was a little under prepared for the lunch afterwards...opps! It's a good thing I have a patient and understanding family who can bare with us through all our mishaps:) Eventually we got it together and had a great day!

Is it just me or does Sophie look a little more than 6 weeks older than her cousin Dean?
Someone got wizzed when her Aunties decided to play dress up with her:( Not so sweet,
then the princess convinced her Dad to sneak away from the party and take a nap with her. It was a big day for both of these babies:)
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