Saturday, May 14, 2011

We're having...

So yesterday we got to do our early ultrasound and baby was very cooperative!

We are having a BOY!!

The kids still seam to be excited but they really thought we were having a sister so we will see how things go when our new little guy gets here. We are all excited, and if you know me, I'm still letting it sink in a bit. I can't believe we will have three kids.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Thoughts

It has been a beautiful spring and wonderful Easter celebration. I'm so grateful for our Savior. What a glorious thing to be children of a loving Father in Heaven who has made a beautiful plan of happiness, provided us with a Savior, even His only begotten Son, who willingly atoned for our sins, infirmities, and grief and lived spotless to have the power to overcome physical and spiritual death.

In other news...

We got a visit from the Easter Bunny and are expecting a visit from the Stork as well. Except he shouldn't be coming until October. We are all very excited.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another Day of Celebration!

Happy 38th Anniversary! Here is to another wonderful couple in my life; my parents! I can't begin to express my gratitude to them, to their devotion to one another, their children, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thank you for loving one another and for truly honoring your marriage covenants. Thank you for having all of our family. What sacrifice and love to have welcomed and raised all 10 of us?! Thank you for providing us with a model of what marriage and family life should be even in the world today that tears so much of that down and tries to destroy values and encourages selfishness. The two of you are the proof and hope that good choices and love of another and God makes dreams come true and a happily ever after. Thank you for always being there for us and for your example of continued courtship.

I love you both!

So I love this picture because look how literally their outfits coordinate; the tie is homemade and is the exact material as her dress! Love it! And to top it off... not even engaged yet, they were only dating!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

I need to let the world know what a blog worthy post this is. Today is my Grandparents' 63rd Wedding Anniversary! They are amazing and love each other dearly and are wonderful examples of dedication to values and to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love their testimonies, abilities to listen and teach, love of family, and examples of sacrifice and discipline. They live without hypocrisy. I am grateful for their marriage and honoring of all that is sacred.

I love you Grandmother and Grandfather!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Might as well...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Zoo Trip & Storybook Land

At the beginning of April Vaughn, Lucy, and I made a fun day trip with Grammy and our Forsyth Aunts & cousins. We went to Fresno for the Storybook land, Playland, and the Zoo. It was a lot of fun and everything was perfect for Vaughn's age and his love of animals. The storybook land depicts fairy tales and you can turn a key to hear each story told. The zoo was a great little zoo with all the basics. Finally, playland had fair type rides. Vaughn loved the first two but really does not like any ride yet. Lucy was such a good baby and enjoyed the day as well. What a fun memory.

The giraffes were Vaughn's favorite animal. We even got to feed them.
Lucy on the carousel. She loved it.

Posing by a wooden hippo; she just loved being out of the stroller for a bit.

Aunt Holly drove down from San Fran to meet us. Vaughn loved his time with her. Thanks for showing him so much excitement and love.

Holly, Graham, Terri, and Lucy

Lucy found her prince charming at storybook land. Too bad I wouldn't let her kiss him; she'll just have to wait.

Heather and Will escaping from the 3 bears house

My sweet prince and princess outside their castle

Lucy & I escape as well

Aubrey, Vaughn, & Graham trying out the bears chairs

Grammy & Vaughn in Noah's ark
Watch out Aubrey, Spencer, and Vaughn...don't let Humpty fall on you!

Taking turns sliding down the Little Old Lady's shoe

Here was our group at the beginning listening to the caterpillar tell us all about the adventures that awaited us.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

March Madness

Once more you'll have to deal with a month recap instead of frequent posts, but that is how life goes sometimes. March was a lot of fun for our family. Some would argue that it is the best month ever; who could argue since Greg's birthday and college basketball championships are in March?! We had a great time with those events and many other family gatherings as well.
We got to go with some of the Forsyths to the men's basketball western regional playoffs in Phoenix. We saw the sweet-sixteen and elite eight games. It was so much fun to be there and in such a great stadium with so many fans. And yes we managed to get some golf and shopping in as well. Lucy got to tag along and was an angel baby. She was a trooper. Luckily she hadn't quite started crawling yet so she did good being on my lap for extended periods of time.

Here we are at the University of Phoenix Stadium.

Day 1 game day

Lucy just being adorable and almost crawling.

Should I not be checking out my own cuteness at only 8 months?

We also went to the local model train show. Grammy, GrandDad, and Spencer came along. It really was fun. Vaughn loved the trains, well not the one we got to ride, but all the other models. It is amazing what things become fun and interesting to us once children are involved.

Greg, Lucy, GrandDad, & Vaughn

GrandDad, Vaughn, Grammy, & Spencer

March also brings Spring, which means a season wardrobe change for Lucy. Bonnets on baby here we come.

I love this pinafore dress with pantaloons and all. And she kept the bow so nice all through church.

She's just soooooo sweet!

Happy 29th Birthday Greg!!!
We love you so much. You are an amazing husband and friend. You are full of kindness, gentleness, laughter, service, and so much more. Thank you for being the best Dad ever! The kids love you and enjoy your company. We appreciate all you do for us!

Vaughn is at the age where he is really catching on to the meaning of gifts and surprises. Dad's birthday comes soon after his own so he was excited to get gifts and had many ideas of what Dad would want. He was adamant that Dad would love a cow, horse, and train. So of course, that is what Greg got, among other things, and even shared them with Vaughn. Vaughn waited all day holding the gift bag at the kitchen window waiting for Greg to get home so they could open them. Greg said Vaughn could play with them and they could stay in his room even. The next few days Vaughn would just randomly say "Thank you Dad for letting me take care of your train and animals. That's a good gift."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fabulous February: Valentine's and More

Warning Tangent: Just a comment to any youth leader: DO NOT HAVE SPECIAL YOUTH DANCES/ACTIVITIES ON VALENTINE'S DAY! Seriously, if we teach youth to not have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend then don't have an activity centered around a theme on a day for sweethearts. They could very easily be earning money by babysitting and the youth leaders could be with their sweethearts.

Greg and I went out to dinner on Friday instead of Saturday due to babysitter availability and we hate long waits for eating out. And you all know what it is like to go out to eat on Valentine's. (We are kind of nerdy and sometimes go out to eat as early as 4:30, but don't tell. ) We tried the new T-Bones Steakhouse in town and we really liked the food. We called ahead which was good because they slow cook the steaks, but our wait was minimal and we got seated at our reservation time while others who had arrived before us were still waiting. So enough of the restaurant review.

Featured here are the Valentine's Vaughn and I made for Greg.
And here are the dozen pink roses I received from Vaughn and the dozen red ones from Greg. Thank you so much for all the love you show me.

Just super cute!

Daddy and his little sweetheart or maybe heartbreaker someday?

Lucy, Graham, and Vaughn
We were all over at Grammy & GrandDad's for Grammy's birthday.

Girls are so fun to dress

Happy Birthday Grammy!

Big Brother & Little Sister

I know I frequently say this, but these two are just so cute together and love one another so much.