
Friday, July 24, 2009

Willow's two year-old pictures

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy BD Willow!

Today is Willow's 2nd BD. I decided to have a Barney pool party for her at my mom's. I had no idea that finding Barney party decorations would be so hard. I searched everywhere in Houston and I only found some balloons, pinata, and a cake. Apparently Barney has been discontinued. I think if turned out well though. Here are some pictures from today.
Willow enjoying her Barney cupcake cake.
Willow got a singing Barney from Grandma and Grandpa.
Willow enjoying her party!
Ella got Willow a little kitten (stuffed animal) in a purse. After Willow opened it, she just started hugging and kissing it. She has named the kitten "Meow". Clever.

Willow got a lot of puzzles this BD.
The only pinata I found was a "pull string" one. Instead of hitting, it has about 30 strings hanging down from the bottom and when you pull the right one the bottom opens and the candy falls out. Wouldn't you know it, Willow pulled the one string that opened the pinata on the first try. :)
Willow playing before the party began.
Ella being silly.
Willow and Ella with grandma before the party.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Pictures

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our trip to Tyler!

This past weekend we went to Tyler, Tx (it's just outside of Dallas). My parents have a timeshare and one of the resorts is there and it has an indoor water park. My sister, Cyndie, and her family were coming down from Utah and my family decided to meet them there. We had fun just hanging out and playing at the pool and the boys played tennis. We were there Saturday through Wednesday. One day we went to the water park and played. I think Ella had the most fun there. At the water park were some slides just right for kids her age and she loved them! We got up on Tuesday and got ready to go play at the lake and beach. When we got the the lake there was a big playground that all three kiddos ran to. My dad was helping Ella do the monkey bars and I grabbed my camera to take a picture. I told Ella I wanted her to do the monkey bars again and started getting my camera ready. They next thing I knew Ella had jumped for the monkey bars, missed, and hit her head on the wooden step. She just laid their on the step holding her head. I went and picked her up and sat down on the bench. Ella then went into convulsions for about 10 seconds and then her eyes rolled back in her head. She passed out for not even 5 seconds and then she just started crying and screaming. Shane and I took her to a 24 hour clinic down the road from the resort and they told us that since she passed out we would have to do a scan on her and they didn't have the equipment there. So we had to then go to a clinic about 20 minutes away. Ella was doing good during this time, some crying but not much. We saw the doctor and he said that in order to do the scan Ella would have to remain completely still for 5-10 minutes. If she moved they would not be able to do scan and we would then have to take her to the hospital. At the hospital they would sedate her and then do the scan. Needless to say I was praying that Ella would remain still for the scan. I spent the next 15 minutes trying to prepare Ella for the scan. I started by explaining what was going to happen and then ended in bribery, if she would stay still then we would go for ice cream after. The nurse came to get us and informed me that I couldn't go, only Shane could. So I sat in the room hoping that she was not freaking out and that she would stay still. Shane and Ella came back 20 minutes later and said all went well. She stayed still long enough for the scan and we didn't need to go the hospital. We then sat and waited for over an hour for the results. Luckily I now have an I phone and had some episodes of Barney on it to keep Ella occupied. The doctor came in and told us that the scan looked fine and but that Ella had a concussion. They just told us to watch her over the next couple of days but to go on with our normal activities. Ella was such a trooper during the whole experience. She doesn't like to talk about hitting her head or going to the doctor. If she hears us talking about it she tells us to, "Stop it!" She is trying to put that experience behind her I guess. :) Other than our Tuesday, the trip was good. We had a good time hanging out and enjoying each others company.

Here are a few pictures of our trip...

Here Willow is having a meltdown as the boys are playing tennis. My sister's daughter, Kinsey (18 mo). She is watching all the boys play tennis.

Ella and Kinsey. Ella loved to take care to Kinsey. She thinks she is babysitting her.

The first thing the girls wanted to do was take a BIG bubble bath. It was too funny.