Friday, August 08, 2014

My baby girl is SIX!

My little girl turned SIX! I can't even believe it. She has grown so fast, I can hardly remember her even being a baby! She's been looking forward to this day for quite some time now. Sadly, Daddy was gone at work when she woke up. But we gave her a new bike for her bday. We just need to teach her how to ride it now! We went straight to the park to test it out.
One of my favorite baby pics of her. All that brown hair and those dark brown eyes. What a beautiful little baby! 

Courtney was at a birthday party for Sadie, so she wasn't able to join us for lunch. We went to the Sugar Factory as a family for lunch to celebrate Mary. Bet you didn't know there was such thing as a $35 sucker... only in Vegas!

A couple of days after her birthday, we had a party for her. Her very first party and we did a Hawaiian Luau. My mom flew down to help me with it and she was so much help, I couldn't have done it with out her. Mary is such a photogenic little poser! Always smiles for the camera!

Got the room all decorated for the party!

Party guests and games and treats...


Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Wet n' Wild

 Because we have 3 birthdays in 3.5 weeks, we decided to make a day of it and take the kids to Wet n' Wild! We had a blast hopping around the hot pavement from slide to slide! Courtney was a little nervous to try something new, but we got her to go on a couple of slides. Zack, of coarse, was an animal and couldn't stop long enough to say hello to us! I love my family!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Desert Beauty!

Being slightly bored, I took my girls out the desert close to our house and made them smile for the camera so I could get some pictures of them. I think they turned out wonderfully. My girls are so beautiful inside and out! I'm so proud to be their mother and love that they are the best of friends.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy 11th Birthday to this kid!

My boy is 11! And so with that, I'm going to write 11 things about him that I love!!
#1 He is such a great example to his younger siblings (most of the time). He shows them that doing chores is important, and usually does it with a good attitude!

#2 He is kind to those around him. Zack has a lot of friends and I think the reason is because he is kind to everyone. He doesn't leave people out and tries to include everyone!

#3 He is full of spunk! There is very rarely a moment when he sits still. He is always on the go doing something, playing with someone, or exploring somewhere. I really wish I had his energy because he never seems to get tired!

#4 When he knows what he wants, he DOES NOT stop until he gets it. This can be good or bad, but his drive to earn things he wants is admirable. When he sets his mind to something, he usually accomplishes what he sets out for!
 #5 He's a funny kid! I found these pictures on my phone, which clearly he took! I love how he got himself in each picture with each sibling and then all of them. My favorite people!
 #6 {Another selfie} He's a good looking boy! I know I'm biased, but I really do think he's so handsome!

#7 He wants to be just like his dad. He set up their A2000 baseball gloves and took a picture. He adores Dustin and has always tried to emulate him. He often stay up late together eating cereal and watching ESPN together and talking about sports. They have such a special relationship that I'll never understand, but am so grateful that they have it!
#8 BASEBALL Zack has a passion for baseball. He loves everything about it. He could play it all day and all night and not get sick of it. Dustin put this collage together of some of his teams he's played on. He is getting to be such a talented player and we are so proud of him!

#9 He is growing into such a great young man. Even though he spends most of his days running around playing sports, this kid has a solid testimony of the gospel. He believes it, loves it, and lives it.

#10 Brothely love. He and Porter are the best of friends. Even though they are separated by 9 years of age, they have such a great bond. Porter loves Zack and Zack loves Porter. They take care of each other and have so much fun together!
 #11 Funny kid... is such a boy! Always farting, burping, making gross sounds and teasing everyone. Even though its nasty, he keeps us all laughing!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The rest of our time in UTAH!

A morning of golf for the boys at the Old Mill Golf Coarse

 Cute pinterest picture that Lindy and and brought to life!!

 These 2 buddies crack me up! Cole drove Porter all around and yard. Here he is trying to get the car un-stuck!
 And then he thought he'd teach Porter how to be a big boy and pee outside!

 Endless hours spent playing in Lala's yard!

 An evening trip to the Iceberg for some yummy shakes!

We signed cute Courtney up for horse camp in SLC, which is why we stayed an extra week! She was in her element being around horses. She loves them so much! I love that she loves riding them and isn't afraid to be around them!

Met up with my dear friends for lunch. I love these gals and love that we are still friends!

Been wanting to climp Timp for years! I did it once as a kid and remember it being awesome, which it was. Zack and Luke came with me and we had such a great time! The boys kicked my butt up the trail, but kept me going for sure.

Inside the caves...


Came out the other side and made our way back down the trail.

Up to the Walters for a famous "Mikey dog". Mike makes the BEST hot dogs and Lisa always has the tastiest food to make up an amazing BBQ! My girls really liked Brandon, which is unusual for Kiki to take to someone so quickly! 

1,2,  GO TO THE ZOO!
Hogle Zoo has turned itself into such a nice, clean and adventurous zoo. Its SO much cooler than when I was a kid. A definite must see when we go to SLC, and even better to experience it with our awesome cousins!

Her final day of camp she was able to "show" us everything she'd learned that week. It was great to see her smiling and watching her skills she'd developed that week!