Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Champ Andrew Hunter 2nd Birthday

The Lord has been so good to me, giving me SUCH a snuggly little boy for my "baby" of the family. My mama's heart wants a baby to hold, and sweet Champ has still been that for even at 2 years old! The day that he stops sleeping on me in the sling during church, I KNOW I will be in tears. I mean, I was already crying just putting him to bed the other night, his last night as a 1 year old. What a wonderful blessing Champ has been to our family. We all absolutely adore him, and it is fun to see Canon and the girls (as they are getting older) begin to take care of him and want to protect him. Canon is either helping Champ or hurting Champ...I guess that is life with a brother. Champ does his best to keep up with the big 3 and gets his fair share of being banged up. Phillip and I think he is the funniest kid. We could just watch him all the time and laugh:) Because he doesn't talk much, he has such cute and hilarious mannerisms:) Champ Andrew, we all love you so much! Thank you Jesus for the blessing of this precious son:)!

Here are some pictures of where we were 2 years ago, up until just this morning putting a candle in his oatmeal and singing to him as a sweet little family. Love these memories:)!

bedrest at my parents house, look how little the other kids are!

38 weeks, up and on my feet, moved into our new house, and my 29th birthday:)

the next week, we had the easiest planned C-section birth, and sweet little snuggle pie entered our lives!!

1 year old!!!

birthday lunch yesterday at Mimi and Papas:)

hanging with his buddies at his "smores" birthday party

Happy Birthday little man! Mama loves you and THANK you for all the love you give me back:)!! Happy Birthday:)!

blessed blessed blessed

This was to be an uneventful birthday since last year was the big 3-0...
but it turned out to be FULL of blessings and unexpected surprises and I still can't get over how my friends and husband spoiled me.
A surprise afternoon at the SPA!! Never done that before, my girlfriends are AMAZING!!! I felt so blessed by their actions and their words:)!! We prayed for years for more friends and the Lord incredibly answered!!!! Phillip and the kids took me to ice cream and he had the kids make me cards and affirm me. Here is what each kid said, Atley "I love you my whole life!" Canon "I love you the whole world" Avery "I love you more than ice cream" (AS we were eating our ice sweet). My sweet Mother in Love surprised me and got me a bag I had been wanting for a while and I LOVE IT!!
My parents sent me a card in the mail and it happened to be the sweetest words they've ever written to this birthday ended up being very humbling and very sweet and I am overflowing with gratefulness and blessings. As my friend Betsy says, "I am rich with love"!!
This is a sweet sweet season of life and I am savoring it and enjoying every minute. Ok, maybe not the minutes tonight when my girls would NOT go to bed after an hour...but after I told them they would have to clean the garage tomorrow morning before breakfast if they didn't go to sleep right away...they were asleep in 2 minutes and I was back to savoring this sweet sweet time:):)haha

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

What a sweet Easter we had with Mimi and Papa, BB and Poppi (Babs and Joe) and our friends the Cossey's. The kids were experts at egg hunting this year, and did such a great job helping one another. It was very sweet:)
We celebrated all week by opening our Resurrection eggs and having a Seder dinner with our small group. More is caught than is taught and I know our kids will remember the Passover so much better by seeing us (and themselves when they are a little older) practice it!
A few favorite pics from Sunday. Jesus is Risen!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

last day, Animal Kingdom

Our last day we went to the Animal Kingdom. They had AMAZING shows, the Lion King and Finding Nemo...they were the best of any of the parks, really professional. We went on a fun morning safari, met lots of characters before the lines got long, saw the two shows, played at Dino Land, rode a train to a petting zoo (where the girls brushed the goats and now still claim they want to be farmers...)and rode a few rides:) Of course we had ice cream, and came home early to play in the pool and rest before our 4am wake up and off to the airport. I love my little family, and I'm so incredibly thankful for this trip!!!!