Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My babies are 5!!

I'm pretty much going to blubber myself through this post and try not to cry just writing it! My heart is so full, with family and Christmas and blessings, and then my girls turned 5!!! 5!!! on Christmas day! I am so proud of who they are at 5 years old: kind, sweet, gaining confidence, prayers, very knowledgeable about the bible (in fact tonight Atley told Phillip that she knew the whole bible...and with her great memory I don't actually doubt it! -the kids bible that is:) They are great helpers, sisters, make believers, daughters, and the best of friends.
What a surprise and blessing on that Christmas Eve in 2006 when my water broke and I knew they were really coming this time! Twin girls born on Christmas Day, the greatest Christmas present we'll ever receive! Love you Atley Michelle and Avery Nicole!!!

It was a Ballerina Birthday...

Monday, December 5, 2011


It was SO VERY SWEET to meet our new nephew Britton over Thanksgiving. Josh and Julie drove all the way from Delaware, through the night, to spend the week in St. Louis. It was our first time to meet sweet Britton and see Josh and Julie as the amazing parents that they are. We literally followed them around everywhere, just soaking up as much time as we could. What a blessing that we will see them again at Christmas! Britton and Champ are only about 6 weeks apart and my kids are used to a little toddler so they all just took right to him! Julie did an amazing post with great pictures from the week. Click here to see her blog:)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Atley's special date

When we took Atley to the wedding the next day she wanted to match what Avery had worn on her date. The wedding was so nice and they had an incredible candy bar afterwards. Every little girl loves a wedding, and it was fun to listen to daddy officiate it! Atley used my camera and was taking pictures of the bride and the flower girl. At the reception she "wrote" (i told her the letters and she wrote them down) letters to both the bride and the little flower girl telling them what a good job they did. So precious! She even chewed her first gum:)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Avery's special date

Phillip and I have decided that when we have a party, shower, or wedding to go to we will always take one kid with us. The other 3 can stay home with a babysitter, but just giving that child one-on-one time has been SO sweet. A few weeks ago Phillip did a wedding and we took Avery to the rehearsal and dinner. She had so much fun, and so did we! It was nice because we didn't know many people at the wedding so we were really able to just focus on her:) With 4 young kids at home, everyone is wanting attention all the time. I could spend my entire day doing nothing else but taking turns with them and loving on them and talking to them and they would still want more. How awesome that I can stay home with them and help fill their "love cups" and how awesome it is to be entrusted that job as a parent!! There is no one else I want making them feel more special than their mommy and daddy make them feel!
We love you Avery Nicole and had such a sweet time with you darling girl:)