Sunday, December 23, 2007

Case's preschool party

Case has the best preschool teacher ever! She is so fun and the kids just love her. They alway's have the funnest class party's filled with all sorts of fun. This year they decorated icecream cone Christmas trees, had a book exchange, sang songs, and even had a special visit from Santa.

Case took his Santa hat to school and was so cute wearing it in all his pictures. He is such a goof ball though. He's always sticking out of the crowd. I don't know where he gets it from. He's in a world of his own.

This was Kelly's first time sitting on Santa's lap. He was alot friendlier looking than the mall Santa.

Kelly's Blessing Day

We blessed Kelly the second Sunday in December. Jake did a really good job. Kelly looked so pretty in her dress, I loved it! Jake's mom had bought it at an antique store in England about 10 years ago. It was made in 1860! We had bought a cute bonnet to go with it when we were in Ireland but Kelly's head was too big. Thanks to all our family who was able to make it, we love you all!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Kelly's 2 months

Kelly had her 2 month check up on the 28th of November. She was so cute in the waiting room playing and smiling. Little did she know she was about to get 4 shots and 1 oral immunization. It's the saddest thing ever! She was good though, she only cried for about a minute. I guess she's just a tough girl! :)

She's growing like a weed. She weighed 12 lbs 2 oz and was 23 3/4 inches tall. That put her in the 75th percentile for weight and 90th for heighth. She might just be another Case!

School programs

Both the kids had little Thanksgiving programs in their classrooms this year. Kyle's was a skit called "twas the night before Thanksgiving". He had the largest speaking part with 3 lines. He memorizes really good so he did a great job. This is his good friend Chase who just happens to be our next door neighbor too.
Case's class performed 3 Thanksgiving songs. Usually Case is a stink and just stands up their not singing but this year he sang all 3 songs and did a GREAT job. I think it was because I didn't invite any other family members so he didn't get shy or silly up there. And yes Case really is THAT much taller than all the kids in his class, he's a monster!


I Know I always post things after they happen but, better late than never, right? I thought I should show Kelly's first Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful dinner at the Conway's. I had some delicious rolls and corn while the rest of the family enjoyed the real food like turkey and stuff (I'm a picky eater). Case's favorite item on the menu guessed it, OLIVES! Can you tell? He ate about 40 it seemed like. Next year I need to move the olive bowl away from his seat.
Kelly and Dad relaxing after a yummy dinner! They both got stuffed! (Kelly's was from a bottle of course)
Every year after Thanksgiving dinner the Conway's have a tradition of playing Bingo. It's a lot of fun and gets pretty serious. There are prizes involved so of course there's going to be some competition going on. We got lucky this and walked away with 4 out of the 7 prizes this year, sweet!
This is what I am most thankful for... My Family!

Bumbo fun

I put Kelly in her Bumbo seat for the first time last night and she LOVED it! She was talking and smiling like crazy. Finally after about five minutes I was like why aren't I recording I ran and got my camera. She was too CUTE!