Saturday, September 22, 2007

Twlight series

For those of you who know me, I love a good book to read. For some reason I just recently found out about the Twilight series and so I went out and bought them all. It took me only 9 day's to read all 3 of them. I couldn't help myself, I didn't want to stop reading until they were done. Who knew a vampire love story could be so interesting! I'm absolutely in love with Edward, he is amazing! I can hardly wait until next year when the fourth one comes out, Breaking Dawn for those who didn't know. Anyway, if you haven't read them your missing out!

countdown to baby!

Let the countdown begin! Only 6 more day's left until baby Kelly will finally be here! I can hardly wait. These last couple of weeks seem to take forever but I'm sure these last few day's will fly by.

Here are a few pictures of the baby room. Lots of pink and green, gotta love it!

I took the boy's to Build A Bear yesterday to make a special present for their new little sister. They picked out a purple polka dotted hippo that they named Polka Dot. It's so cute when they have them rub the little red hearts on themselves and make a wish. They made sure to put all their brotherly love into that hippo. It's sure to be one of Kelly's favorites!

Friday, September 21, 2007

new camera

I got a new camera this week and was just trying out some of the different settings on it. Case is so fun to take pictures of !

Fall TV Season

Yea for the fall TV season! I really only tivo a couple shows and Prison Break is one of them. The new season started Monday night. In case you wanted to know it's on Fox at 7pm. You just gotta love that Michael Scofield. My favorite show out there right now though is The Office. It starts next Thursday (Sept. 27) at 7pm on NBC. I can't wait to find out what happens between Pam and Jim! They said the first 4 weeks of new episodes are an hour each, can you believe it! They finally got it right and won't torture us with these little 30 minutes that don't answer enough questions for us that we've been waiting all summer for. Can't wait for next week! Happy watching!

Birthday party

Kyle wanted to go bowling for his birthday party, so he invited a few friends to take with him. We went to the new Bruinswick XL bowling alley on Gilbert and Warner. It's an awesome new alley but totally crazy busy on a Friday night. We had to wait an hour for a lane. It should have been longing but Jake somehow managed to swindle us into getting one sooner. :)
Kyle, Brett and Case where playing the Dance Dance game while waiting, pretty funny to watch 3 boys doing that.

Of course you can't have a party without some yummy bowling alley pizza and french fries! Delicious!

Here's the party crew from left to right.... Chase, Kyle, Race, Brett, & Case.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Kyle celebrated his 7th birthday on Sept. 14. It's hard to believe I have a 7 year old. Only one more year till he gets baptised, pretty scary huh.
He had alot of fun opening presents before school. His favorite was the nintendo DS but the baseball helment picture was to cute to not put on here!
Kyle got this birthday hat from school, he wore it for most of the day. I went and ate lunch with him at school too. That was something else. I don't know how those kids ever finish their lunch, they don't stop talking the entire time! It was fun to see what part of his day is like when I'm not around.
Grandma and Grandpa Barney and Great Grandpa Ballard also came by to see Kyle on his birthday. Of course they brought presents, Kyle loves that!