Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patty's Day! I hope you all wore green. We celebrated with having a green breakfast with some of our friends and Jake's dad. We had green eggs, pancakes, hashbrowns, milk, it was alot of fun, the kids thought it was cool. Case was asking for green milk the next day. A lephrachan left some green goodies for the kids outside, so they had to go find them. We go to Ireland this summer, I'm hoping to find a real lephrachan with a pot of real gold! Better keep my fingers crossed! :)


We went to Disneyland again that first weekend in March. Jake's brother Brock and his kids meet us over there. Kyle went on California Screaming for the first time and loved it. Case wanted to go be he's not tall enough yet, maybe by Christmas. All the boys like the Grizzly Bear river ride over in California Adventure , we all got soaked! The only bad part was they were having national cheerleader compitions there so it was crazy busy! Oh well ,good thing we go over there alot.


Sorry Guy's I got lazy and didn't post anything in February. Here are a few things that happened. Klye had a music program at school. It was about a farm that had a cow that couldn't moo. His class were the pigs. He did a great job! Jake and I got to go to Las Vegas for the Ecolab incentive trip. We had his cousin and wife come down from Salt Lake to meet us there and hang out with us. We had alot of fun with some pampering, courtiesy of Ecolab, Let's hope we make the trip again next year!