Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mothers Day

We took off for California Mothers day weekend.  We spent a night up in Anaheim and went to Disneyland for a day.  Then we went down to Oceanside for 3 days.  It was such a fun and relaxing trip!  

Here are the kids just before Disneyland.  

My favorite ride Toy Story Mania.  Kelly wont keep the glasses on.  
Trying to take a picture myself...the kids look so funny!
A Bug's Life!  Kelly really liked the rides over there.
They boy's are always flashing signs.  
Kyle ran to get the special 50th anniversary horse for Kelly.  She loved it!
My little monkey waiting to ride the train.
This was Mothers Day morning.  We tried to take a picture like 10 times....this was the best one!  Kelly was having a ruff morning.
We went to the beach a couple of days.  This is Kelly's FAVORITE thing to do there.  She finds a nice spot of sand and she lays down and EATS it!!
If you look closely you can see her tongue licking the sand.  
That's my girl!!  It must taste like candy....maybe I'll have to try some next time!
Before heading home we stopped at the park to play catch.  Kyle got stung by a bee on his foot.  He was DYING as you can tell in the picture.  It was pretty sad.
Kelly thought she should be able to play catch with the boys, she just got in the way instead.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Trying to get a good picture before church was almost day they will all smile for me when asked!
I thought this was so funny with her leg like that.   
Kelly loved finding her Easter basket!  All she wanted to do was eat the candy!
Crazy face!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

We had our annual St. Patrick's Day breakfast again this year.  The kids love it and have so much fun going "green".   It's fun dressing Irish for the day.

Kalil and Kelly in their matching dresses.
Case and Jonah.
Carter and Kyle
Kelly and I.

Kalil and Gavin enjoying their green breakfast.  
The Leprachan brought green goodies for the kids.  Yummy!
Here's all the kids.
Afterwards we had a mean game of kick ball down the hill.  The kids had a blast!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Kelly had her first black eye.  She fell in the toy room on the corner of a wooded box.  It was the saddest thing ever!  She hated the ice pack I tried to keep on her and the bandaid.  Poor girl has her first scar.

Kelly also has this weird thing that when a dog licks her face she breaks out where ever they lick her at.   This has happened the last couple of times at Grandma Conway's.  I think it might only be big dogs b/c small dogs don't do it to her.  This used to happen to Kyle when he was little too.   

Kyle had his first Pine Wood Derby in March.  He was so excited and had a lot of fun making his car with Jake.  Unfortunately his car was a piece of JUNK and he lost tons.  He was SO upset and I blamed it on Dad.  Jake was out of town and didn't have to witness the disaster.  Needless to say next year they will spend more than one day making the car and will have to do some test runs too.  It was still fun just not AS fun as the kids winning.  Oh well!

Typical Kyle picture.  He is ALWAYS making a stupid face.  
Get ready... Get set....
Watching the finish line, who's it going to be...??  (take a guess)
I thought Kelly would have fun watching the cars, but no she can't sit still more more than 2 seconds.  I barely got a picture of her and I had to bribe with snacks.  At least shes looking at the camera this time.  :)
We've been going to the park a ton while the weather has been so nice.  Kelly LOVES the park and never wants to leave.  The only problem is she eats half the sand while we're there.  She really is nuts!  
Showing off.

We have so many fun parks close by.  The new houses across the street have the best ones!

This was at the park right around the corner from our house (sorry to anyone who's reading this).  Kyle just could not hold it.  I told him to run home but he was "going to pee his pants".  So he went in the drain.  He didn't know I took the picture until after.  That's what he gets for peeing at the park.

March continued

I decided it's about time I had my own garden so I had Ryan come over and build me a little garden box.  I was so excited to plant a garden, it was bringing back my FFA day's.  Case is always my helper, he LOVES stuff like this.  Here he is preparing the soil.
Planting the seeds.  We have corn, peas, zucchini, 1 bell pepper, 1 tomato, and 1 cucumber.  My kids are just started to eat there vegetables (they take after me) to this will be a fun way for them to enjoy them.
Case is a professional!

Kyle and Kelly LOVE donuts.  When she sees a Krispy Kreme box she goes crazy for one.  We bought a little pack of the Hostess powder sugar donuts and she liked them just as much.  She likes to copy her big brother.  

The weather has been SO nice lately!  Case wants to go on a bike ride everyday.  We ride to Bashas, Fresh and Easy, and Walgreens.  The only problem is he thinks he should get a treat every time too.  We're working on that!
Say cheese!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grandpa Ballard

My sweet, adorable,funny, kind, amazing Grandpa died back in February.  We have really gotten to love and adore him so much these past couple of years. He has spent a lot of time living with my parents since my Grandma passed away.  He had a heart attack while at their house and almost didn't make it.  He really wanted to get back home to Snowflake to pass away so as soon as he was well enough to travel my parents took him home.  He was a huge Arizona sports fan and was able to watch the Cardinals in the SuperBowl.  He passed away a few day's later.  His funeral was on Valentines Day.  What a sweet day to remember him and honor his life!!  We love and miss you Grandpa!!

An early photo of him.
My Grandma and Grandpa at their 50th wedding anniversary.
When we drove over to the grave site it started to snow!  I think it was my Grandpa telling us he was near.

They had a Maverick Store like 50 yards from their house.  Our favorite thing to do while we were visiting growing up was go to Maverick and get a Coke and Candy.  Here we are one more time.
My Grandparents had a room in their house that we called "the forbidden room".   I maybe stepped 2 feet into the room 1 time and got in trouble for it.  Needless to say that was the favorite room for us to all go into and look at.  My grandma was probably turning in her grave at the sight of us with our Slurpee's in there.  It was fun!
Here is their piano that never got played  (it was in the "forbidden room").  My Mom was lucky enough to get it for me and my family.  I'm so excited to have it and of course it's in perfect condition.  Thanks Mom!   
Here is my Mom in my Grandparent's kitchen.  It has never changed, ever.  I have so many memories of playing cards on that table.  My grandparents loved to play cards! 
Kelly's was keeping entertained with a box of black licorice.  She's just like her Mommy,  Yum Yum!
While we were up there Jake and my brother Mike took Kyle and Brett snowboarding.  It was Kyle's 1st time and Brett's 2nd.  They both had a blast!!  Kyle came home saying it's his new favorite sport.    

Here's Kyle during his lesson. 
Kyle and Brett going up the lift.
Way to go Kyle!!
We stopped to take a picture in the canyon.  Cute boy's!