My baby is 15 husband and I call him the human tornado...he eats more than most adults...he smiles and laughs...he says a few words...he sleeps 13 hours straight every night...he loves his binkie...he has big blue eyes...and we love him to pieces most of the time (wink wink)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Poor Crew was struggling with a fever for a few days, so I finally decided to take him to the doctor to see if he had strep or an ear infection. He didn't have either of those, but he did test positive with RSV. My poor little guy felt miserable. Plus, he absolutely hated doing the breathing treatments. He is feeling better now thank goodness.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Cannon's Teeth...
Cannon's top tooth was holding on by a thread and we had to beg Cannon to let us pull it out...
You can see in this picture his other top tooth is so loose it is crooked. We begged him to let us pull it out, but I think he was done after getting the first one out. He would not let us touch his other tooth for a week. Finally the tooth fell out, and look how cute Cannon looks
He is still sporting this look almost 2 months later and I think it is the cutest!
Creed's First Haircut...
Creed waited the longest for his first hair cut out of all my boys. He is almost 15 months and just got his first haircut, and we didn't even cut that much off.
He sat really still and seemed to like it
The finished product
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines Weekend...
My hubby and I got to sneak away from the kids for a night and go skiing over Valentines weekend. We were able to go with a few friends and it was a fun, relaxing weekend. Each day we are married I fall more in love with Greg. I only took one picture of our whole weekend and it was while we were driving to the ski resort.
Monday, December 27, 2010
We were able to take Colton and Cannon skiing for the first time over the Christmas break in Utah. I hadn't skied in a long time (14 years), so the boys and I took a 2 hour ski lesson together. As soon as I put on the skis and went down the "bunny hill" it all came back. It was fun to be in the lesson with the boys though. They did fabulous in the lesson. When we took them on the lift for the first time the boys completely forgot what they learned. Cannon fell getting off the lift and he was a mess. After a few times down the ski hill both boys were naturals. They would put their skis together and zoom down the hill and snow plow at the very bottom to stop. It was such a fun night and we can't wait to go skiing again.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
On Christmas eve as we tucked our kids in their beds, we read Luke 2, said family prayers, and talked about the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas morning was perfect. Colton and Cannon were so gracious, excited, and thankful for everything they received for Christmas. They asked for NFL/NBA jerseys and surprises. They were surprised to get electric scooters. Crew was just so happy to finally get the LIghtening Mcqueen car wash he had wanted for months. We had a fabulous day spending time with both our families. We were absolutely exhausted by 8:00 that night.
Our 98 year old Grandma who is so amazing. We love her so much!
The boys Grandpa and Grandma D. surprised them with BB guns. They were so happy!
I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted of all the people I love so much. We had a wonderful Christmas and hope 2011 is healthy and happy for all our family and friends.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve...
These pictures are totally candid, but the pictures show how much fun we have with my Mom's family on Christmas Eve. We eat yummy food, play a white elephant gift exchange, and sing songs together.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The boys were in Las Vegas at the Bowl game and the adults were able to sneak away from the kids and go to dinner. I was with some of my favorite people, it was heaven.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Cookies...
Painting Christmas Cookies is one of the kids very favorite Christmas traditions. This year they would not cooperate at all with the camera. p.s. we painted cookies first thing in the morning after the kids woke up, which should explain the pj's and bed heads.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Colton and Cannon thought they were to old to sit on Santa's lap this year. They told us they would rather just drop a letter in the santa mail box at Macy's. We made them visit Santa anyway, because Crew was so excited to see Santa and sit on his lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas this year. Creed was afraid of Santa and wanted nothing to do with him.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Buddy the Elf...
One night in the middle of December our doorbell rang and Buddy the Elf left us a special delivery. Our Wii had broken a few months earlier and he brought us a Wii. The boys were soooo excited to have a Wii again.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Creed's Celebration...
Lets get this party started!
Oh I think I like this
Yep, I am stuff...that was GOOD!