There are many many things I am thankful for. I love Thanksgiving and I love to reflect on the past year and all of my many blessings.
T-estimony. I am thankful for my testimony. It is so nice to have a foundation of the gospel in my life. I am thankful that I can teach my children about Jesus Christ and the difference between right and wrong. What a wonderful blessing to have the gospel, especially when times get rough and we need something to pull us through.
H-aving our sweet baby Crew. I can't believe how much we have enjoyed having Crew in our home. He is definitely a piece of heaven. He is such a good baby so far. He is sleeping well at night and is a joy to have around during the day. I am so thankful that we are blessed to have Crew join our family.
A-nother year. I am thankful for 2007. My family has been very blessed to have health and happiness in 2007. I am looking forward to a new year and new experiences. I hope for health, happiness, and growth in 2008.
N-eighbors. We have so many wonderful neighbors and friends. Our friends are the very best. They are always there for us and we have such a great time hanging out and spending time together.
K-ind Acts. These past few weeks we have had so many kind acts given to our family. We are thankful for meals, visits, and gifts given. Thank you so much for your love and support.
F-amily. What would we do without our family. I love Greg, Colton, Cannon, and Crew so much. They are my world. I love each day and each new adventure with them. I am also thankful for my Mom, Dad, and Siblings, and Greg's Mom, Dad, and Siblings. We have been very blessed to have all of their help and support these past few weeks since Crew has been born. They have also taken their fair share of tending kids this past year while Greg and I have had a couple of vacations. Thanks for all your love and support!
U-nderstanding Husband. I am thankful for my wonderful husband. He has been so great to pick up the slack these last 9 months during the pregnancy when I was tired or not feeling well. He picked up so much of the slack. I am also grateful for all the help since Crew has been born. He is an amazing husband and I am so glad we have a great marriage.
L-aughter. What would we do without laughter. I just love to hear Colton and Cannon laugh when they think something they say is funny. Laughter is also the perfect remedy to a bad day.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We headed down to Utah and enjoyed a few days of relaxation. Crew was held the whole time. Colton and Cannon played card games or nintendo the whole time. It was great!

Dad carving the Turkey

The Cooks

Colton and Cannon enjoying the rolls. That was all they would eat.

Crew snoozing on the kitchen counter while I chated and everyone else cooked

Crew in his cute outfit