Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Most Important Health Facts And Tips You Should Know

Here you will find the latest health tips to help you lead a healthy life. These tips will even help you defeat diseases such as anxiety and depression. So stay tuned to healthy tips for the latest information.

Cooking destroys vitamins

We all cook our food. But did you know that cooking food destroys the vitamins in the food. Research shows that cooking food destroys important vitamins present in fruits and vegetables. Additionally, cooking generates carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) and mutagens in food.

Hence, cooking is not healthy at all. Try to eat your vegetables and fruits raw for best results. Avoid carcinogens and mutagens introduced into food because of cooking. Plus save yourself time from cooking (source:
 Is cooked food good for us?)! 

Carrot Juice

Carrot juice is known as the miracle drink. It contains loads of vitamins and minerals. Carrot juice contains loads of vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for good vision, healthy mucous membranes, and it promotes the growth of bones and teeth. Vitamin A also builds the body’s resistance against infections. Pregnant women and their babies also benefit from Vitamin A. So add a glass of fresh carrot juice to your daily diet (source: The Wonders of CARROT JUICE).

An apple a day

Apples offer many health benefits and the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away has been justified. First, apples act as powerful antioxidants. Apples contain flavonoid and polyphenois both of which are powerful antioxidants. Hence, eating an apple will provide your body with antioxidants which will help the cells of the body to perform at optimal health.

Another astonishing fact is that if you eat a 100 gram apple your body will be provided with an antioxidant effect which is equal to taking 1,500mg of vitamin C. Apples definitely provide your body with powerful antioxidant properties.

However, apples do not only provide your body with antioxidant properties. They also contain malic acid and tartaric acid. Both these substances help prevent disturbances of the liver.

Additionally, apple cider vinegar can help prevent kidney stone formation. Apples also contain pectin. More specifically the skin of apples contains pectin. Pectin helps remove toxic substances from the body and prevents protein matter in the intestine from spoiling.

Finally, research also shows that eating an apple a day can reduce cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease (source:
 Health Benefits of Apple). 

Do you suffer from urinary incontinence?

Do you suffer from urinary incontinence? If you do, then perhaps you should give kegel exercises a try. Performing kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and cure urinary incontinence.

To perform kegel exercises you must first find your PC or pubococcygeus muscle. You can find the muscle during urination. When you are urinating try to hold your urine. The muscle that you feel is contracting when you try to hold your urine is your pubococcygeus muscle.

Now continue to contract your muscle in this manner for 2 seconds at a stretch. Continue to contract the muscle 20 times for 2 seconds each to strengthen the muscle. Doing so is known as kegeling. And the exercise is known as the kegel exercise. This exercise should help cure your urinary incontinence. Additionally, performing this exercise will help improve the health of your prostate gland (source:
 Urinary Incontinence: Causes, Treatments, and Symptoms).

Exercise helps in smoking cessation

A recent study shows that exercise combined with nicotine replacement therapy can help reduce cravings for smoking. Not only that, but exercise also helps in delayed weight gain and helps to improve physical fitness.

The study shows that 70% of women stopped smoking at the end of the 12 week program and 27% remained abstinent after one year. So if you are looking to kick the habit of smoking regular exercise and nicotine replacement therapy is the answer for you! (source:
 Sweating out the cravings)

Low Socioeconomic Status increases likelihood of disease in children

A recent study shows that low socioeconomic status increases the likelihood of diseases such as depression and anxiety in children. How does this happen? The study shows that low socioeconomic status raises levels of a hormone known as cortisol in children. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone of the body.

Whenever the body experiences a stressful situation, it releases cortisol to deal with the stress. Low socioeconomic status has shown to increase the release of this hormone in children leading to dangerous disease such as depression, anxiety, and diabetes (source:
 Low Socioeconomic Status Affects Cortisol Levels in ChildrenOver Time). 

Health Benefits of Yogurt


Yogurt is a great dairy product. It has many health benefits. Firstly, yogurt provides your body with good bacteria. Second, yogurt comes from milk and so it also provides your body with animal protein. Yogurt furnishes your body with vitamins such as vitamin B-2, B-12, potassium, and magnesium.

Yogurt also contains calcium. Research shows that yogurt may help prevent osteoporosis. Research also shows that yogurt may reduce blood pressure. Women should especially eat yogurt. Research shows that yogurt reduces the risk of vaginal infections. Finally, eating yogurt may make you feel fuller and help in weight loss (source:
 The Benefits of Yogurt). 

Exercise 30 minutes a day only!

Research shows that walking just 30 minutes a day can prevent weight gain. As a matter of fact walking 30 minutes a day can cause moderate weight loss as well. Additionally, another research shows that walking thrice a day for 10 minutes was just as effective as walking 30 minutes a day.

Walking 30 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease. A small health change such as this could save you from heart disease in the future. (source:
 Stealth Health: Get Healthy Without Really Trying )

Computers can cause depression

A new research study shows that computers, TV, and the electronic media in general can cause depression in teenagers (source: Too much TV can cause depression).

The study shows that spending too much time prevents a person from participating in other activities such as sports and this leads to frustration and depression. Hence, if you have a teenage son or daughter, you better watch out as to if they are spending too much time on the computer and not getting enough physical activity.

Health Befenits of Bananas

Bananas are good for your nervous system and for your heart. Bananas contain potassium which helps in muscular contraction. Bananas help reduce the risk of stroke. Add a banana or two to get your daily needed potassium intake and save yourself from the risk of stroke. 

Bananas also help to prevent osteoporosis. This health benefit of bananas is also related to their high potassium content. Bananas high potassium content prevents calcium loss from the body and thus helps prevents osteoporosis.

Bananas also act as mild sedatives. Bananas contain tryptophan which is an amino acid not produced by the body. Tryptophan forces the body to release serotonin and serotonin exerts a sedative affect on the body.

Bananas are also good for your blood. They contain Vitamin B6. The vitamin plays an important role in hemoglobin synthesis. Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying component of blood and a lack of it can lead to diseases such as anemia. (source:
 25 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas)

Drink Plenty of Water

It is imperative that you drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water has a number of advantages. First, drinking plenty of water reduces the risk of cancer. Second, drinking plenty of water will help you lose pounds and control cholesterol levels. Drinking plenty of water will also keep your memory sharp and will help you maintain healthy muscles. (source: Is drinking plenty water really as important as we are ledto believe?).

So how much water should you drink every day? Six to eight glasses is a must. Start drinking six to eight glasses of water and boost your metabolism and help shed fat, control your cholesterol levels, sharpen your memory, reduce the risk of cancer, and maintain healthy muscles. Not only that but drinking six to eight glasses of water will also help promote healing and cleanse your body of toxins. (source:
 How to Drink More Water Every Day) What else could you ask for?

Add fruits to your diet

Most people do not eat fruits. This is a cardinal sin. A diet rich in fruits offers many benefits and one should not deprive oneself of these benefits. Fruits have a hydrating effect. They supply the body with plenty of water rich in minerals and sugar. Additional, research shows that fruits cause the body to eliminate nitrogenous wastes and chlorides.

Fruits also exert a laxative effect. They provide fiber which promotes intestinal peristalsis. This helps prevent constipation. People who eat plenty of fruits do not suffer from constipation. Finally, fruits provide the body with plenty of minerals which helps to maintain strong bones and good blood. (source:
 Health Benefits of Fruit)

Vegetables and more vegetables

Remember how mommy always reminded us to have our veggies. Well it is no surprise that vegetables are extremely good for our bodies. Vegetables provide our bodies with essential minerals, vitamins, and enzymes all of which help to maintain the proper functioning of our bodies.

Not only that, but vegetables also contain medicinal and therapeutic agents. Vegetables also help maintain a healthy nervous system and have sleep inducing agents which allows a person to enjoy sound sleep. Lettuce, for example, can be used to treat insomnia.

Vegetables also contain carotene. Carotene is a substance which is converted to Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps maintain good vision and healthy skin. Deficiency of Vitamin A can lead to poor vision and night blindness.

Vegetables contain Vitamin C which prevents diseases such as scurvy. Hence, remind your self of mommy’s advice of adding vegetables to your diet and begin doing so. A diet rich in vegetables will protect your body against many diseases (source:
 Importance of Vegetables - Curative Value of Vegetables).

Avoid too much text messaging

Researchers at Temple University have found that spending to much time on the mobile phone text messaging could be linked to pain in the neck. The study found that the position of a person who text messages is similar to the position of a person who works on a computer. Both working long hours on the computer and text messaging have been linked with pain in the shoulders and neck. Hence, avoid too much computer work and too much text messaging. Tell your sweetheart that using the phone is a better alternative! (source:
 Neck Pain)


Meditation can help a person conqueror pain. Investing a few hours meditating can help a person effectively manage pain (source: Meditation May Reduce Pain). The study shows that extensive mediation can reduce a person’s sensitivity to pain. Hence, spend some time meditating daily and conquer any pains and aches that you may have.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

What do you have to do in order to Lose Weight?

OK. Let's begin our small review. Firstly, I want to say that I hope this information will be useful for you and you could use it.
In so many forums and discussions online, a lot of people are confused how really to lose weight. But what is the best way to be slim? And is this healthy? And the most important question: Is this really working?
I will try to answer now these questions. To start with, exercising is the most useful way to get rid of your extra body weight. But according to me and maybe you will agree with me, this can make you feel exhausted. And then, why feeling tired. So, this is a good way to lose weight, but not the best one.
OK, let's think about another way.


is one of the most common ways to be slim. Something like this: vegetable for breakfast, another one for lunch... And why dieting? You will feel yourself tired too just like exercising.
So, this is not the best answer to our question. Then, what? How really to remove the fats?
Now, let's think of some products. Maybe you have heard about Proactol. This is a product with more than 5 years experience. This product is also recommended by a lot of doctors and specialists. Now I will introduce you how it can help you in your real aim:

Weight Loss

It is a 100% healthy product that can remove extra fats and this will happen in NO TIME. You will see the result of the best Best Fat Binder instantly after trying it. But what exactly is Proactol.
This is a small box that contains a certain amount of pills. These pills are 100% clinically proven. I think that this is the most important thing. Therefore, there are healthy for us. With more than 15,000,000 clients up-to-date, this product was rated "excellent" in a lot of ranking about the best product to

Lose Weight

I like so many other people have also tried this product and this is the reason for writing this small review in my

Weight Loss Blog

. This is not just my reviews. In our other article about Weight Loss Reviews you can read more people's thoughts after using this fat binder.
If you like our article you can continue reading the Proactol official Home Page for more information: Proactol website.

An Effective Way To Lose Weight

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