Sunday, October 10, 2010

I think I may have forgotten how to blog...

Cheers to great girlfriends!!

I'm not on the computer that has all my pics of my sweeties but I promise to re-dedicate myself to 3TexasKids!! This is the only pic I have right now...

Here's a quick update on Team Parkinson:

BabyDaddy~ He is still working his buns off practicing anesthesia and now has literally worked his buns off!! He lost almost 70 lbs since January and is competing in Triathlons, Cycling and now currently training for his first marathon. Turns out he's got the Reeves gene's afterall!!

BabyMama~ I need an RV to keep up with my munchkins!! I have been spending my "alone time" running, playing tennis and I just became a believer in yoga. I always thought that yogi's were a little crazy but seriously there is something to the yoga rage. I miss my family so, so much but I am a true Texan and so happy to be able to raise my babies here. Still wanting to add 3 more kids to our crew but that won't be happening any time soon. Ever actually lol!

KayKay~ Holey Moley how do I have a 1st grader?!?! So far her best year ever. She reads anything she can get her hands on, writes out all her little thoughts and ideas... she is just brilliant! KayKay is also playing tennis and has the HUGEST crush on her tennis coach (and he loves her) and both girls are cheerleading. Yuck. I am not a Cheer Mom.

P-Dawg~ This girl continues to keep us on our toes. She is my exclamation point kid FOR SURE! She is "bridging" this year and still doesn't lack an ounce of confidence. P also plays tennis and loves it. She still gives all the boys a run for their money but will always be my "Velcro".

WillieP~ Always at a 10. Always. He is our entertainer, wants to make everyone around him laugh. He loves his pre-school 3's class. Poor Little Man, part of being 3rd born is that I am a total slacker in signing him up for stuff. I'm putting it out there now... I will put him in anything he wants in the spring. Hold me to it!! Dairy allergy still fatal, I still hate cow milk with every fiber of my body. He has learned so much and can actually take on some responsibility for his diet. I am so proud of my Little Man.

Fall has been amazing and there is never a dull moment in this house. We are so thankful for a houseful of laughter which is exactly what I wake up to every morning.

I'll post pics of Team Parkinson later this week... pinky promise.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

MONSTER Triathlon

Party in the USA!

Her first concert ever and I let her go with her friends and the Mom who organized it. That's right- I let my 5 yr old go off to a concert without me. Not to worry- she took earplugs (hot pink of course) and I took a Sharpie and tattooed her arm with all the essential information. I told her if she got lost or separated to go find a policeman and roll up her sleeves, the police would see her tats and she would be fine. Poor girl gets stuck being the oldest. None of the 3rd born girl's moms acted like that =)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Gone but not forgotten

So sorry to my blog readers for being THE.WORST.BLOGGER.EVER
I promise to change my ways. I plead the 3rd (as in 3 kids!!)

Presley and Will before school
My big boy Will off to school

Another visit from the Tooth Fairy!!!

Presley and Lovebug at VanGrow

My girls after school

Kaitlyn and some of her buddies from school

Twinkies!! Last day of summer at Rivercrest

Kaitlyn and Mary Elizabeth "horsing around"

Presley feeding her horse Cactus!

Daddy and the girls doing homework
(yes, Kaitlyn has homework every night in kindergarten!)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sweet, Sassy and FOUR!!!

I seem to remember swearing up and down a few years ago NEVER to throw a Sweet & Sassy party. But somehow... that is right where I found myself celebrating Miss Presley's 4th Birthday. We had 16 beautiful princesses who got dressed up, made-up, manicured and danced their little booty's off!! I have never seen such a cute dance party and fashion show in my life. I think some of the Mommies even wanted in on the action.

Thank you to all the Mommies for bearing through this with me. Presley really loves all her friends and it meant the world to have them all there!


My Princess Presley
Big Four Year Old!
Dancing with the girls!

Presley and Tatum

Ella and Presley

Our Beautiful Princesses!

LoveBug and Presley

Since the boys were golfing- she got to have real cake at her party!

Best friend of all... Presley and Kaitlyn

Still to come....

Kaitlyn's first day of school and Presley's Party Pics!! Stay tuned =)

A few of Will

No birthday, no first day of school... just my sweet boy being sweet! Love you Little Man!

Golfing with Daddy

I must have turned my back for a second because now he is a total DADDY'S BOY!!

This kid will smile for the camera ALL DAY!

So sweet- love my boys!

Riding the "Choo-Train" with his Great-Poppy!

Happy Birthday P-Dawg!!

Oh my goodness, my little firecracker is 4!! How did this day come so fast? Presley has changed SO MUCH in this last year. Last year she was a total tomboy, rough and tumble. This year is so girlie and rough and tumble more in a cheerleader way. Life these days is full of dance parties, painting nails and swimming (she can swim across the pool on her own!!). She has gone from being my baby to being such a great big sister to Will- although she will always be our "middle monkey".

Showing off their new Lelli Kelly's

Sippin' on her purple milkshake at the Purple Cow!
Getting so big so fast!

But still my baby!!

Circus Fun!!

This year our buddies the Aragon's invited us to go to the circus with them. Tatum is Presley's friend from school and we were excited the Hunter Family met us there too!!

It has become a tradition for us to go to the circus every year for P-Dawg's birthday. Will was actually a trooper but I didn't get any pics of him. Had to keep a hand on him at all times with all the popcorn there.

Kaitlyn with the acrobats

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer Fun!!

This is our last official week of summer... My Kaitlyn starts KINDERGARTEN next week. Sob, sob, weep, weep... Mommy is so not ready to let my baby girl go for 5 FULL days, her teachers will get the best of her and I am not dealing well =(
Here are my rainbow sherbet kids. One of my fav pics of the summer. Love my babies SO MUCH!! They are a perfect little trio =)
We enjoyed Sunday Funday with our bff's The Powers. Good times!

Uncle Michael and Kaitlyn sacked out at 6:15pm. Day #1 of trying to keep Kaitlyn up during naps... who would have ever thought I would be teaching a kid NOT to take naps?
My little brother is staying here with us for a few more weeks. I love having him here, he is great company and a big help.

Milk & Cookies

We had a fun night at the library with our buddies. We listened to storytime in our jammies then got milk and cookies as a treat afterwards. Kaitlyn and Mallory were off reading "big girl" books to eachother while Presley and "Lovebug" stuck with the mommies. Sweet girls =)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Girls getting so big!!

After FINALLY wearing Phil down- he said the girls could get their ears pierced. I'm no dummy... I wasn't going to wait around for him to change his mind so we ran out today and got them pierced.

My girls were so excited, neither cried and they couldn't be happier. Kaitlyn says she is ready to start kindergarten now. Kaitlyn got little blue (faux-aquamarine) stones and Presley has little green (faux-peridot) stones for their birthdays. They are precious- even their Daddy thinks so. Poor guy doesn't stand a chance when the girls and I decide we really want something, Phil can't say no to his girls =)

Sunday Funday

We are so happy that my little brother is spending the rest of his summer here in Ft Worth... my kids just LOVE their Uncle Michael! He spends Sundays Fundays with us~ here are some pics from yesterday. He put together a "legit" (that is 21 yr old speak) train track for Will and encouraged Presley to teach her brother how to make a funny face for the camera. Nice.