March 22, 2009

My baby is crawling!!!!

This morning Cohlee showed us her new trick! One second she isn't crawling, then the next second, she is!!

Aunt Amy

We got to visit with Chris's sister Amy a bit this last weekend. She lives in Florida, so we don't get to see her too often! We wish all of our family could live close to us!

March 19, 2009

Bring on the Sunshine!

Is this not the cutest sun hat you have ever seen???

First Pigtail?

I don't know if this even counts as first pigtail because we did it right before bedtime and it would not have stayed in her hair longer then five minutes. But I thought it was cute anyways!!

March 16, 2009

There goes my babysitter!

There is only a couple babysitters I am able to leave all my children with and not stress too much! I wont even leave all my kids with my close friends because thats just mean. Well, my kids favorite babysitter is their uncle Brad, my little brother. Brad has been babysitting for me since he was 11. Young, I know but I only had one kid back then and I had to go to work. We have Brad trained pretty well. If Brad is hanging out at the house when I am there and Tanner gets a stinky diaper, I tell Brad to take care of it and he does! It makes me laugh every time! I am sure after reading this, he won't be as willing..O-well. So on to the point. Brad went snowboarding this past Saturday up at Brian Head. His trip was cut a bit short when he fell and broke his collar bone in 3 places, and cracked his shoulder blade! His friends had to drive him clear to the Cedar City hospital with one advil for the pain! So needless to say, I don't think he will be lifting any kids up anytime soon!

He didn't want his picture taken, apparently!

That doesn't look good!

Patrick posing next to Brad!

March 8, 2009

Future Rapunzel

Cohlee is starting to finally grow some hair! It actually lays over her headband a bit. I am excited to be able to put her hair in pig tails.