Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sweet Sweet Sophie

So, today we were listening to Christmas music as the girls got ready for school. All of them love, love, love singing along with all music but especially Christmas tunes. So Sophie started singing along with "The 12 Days of Christmas" Sophie style. It went a little something like this...

"On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
Five go-old riiiings.
Fo-our calling birds,
Three French kids,
Two-oo turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!!!!"

Did ya catch that? Three French Kids.
Once again...I almost peed my pants.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Princesses

So, a couple of weeks ago it was our Primary Program. I was a little stressed that morning because I had to be ready to do the music for the program and I knew that during the meeting they were going to announce that I had been called to be the new Primary President (!). It was not one of my better mornings. So I asked Wade to help get the gals dressed for church and I hopped into the shower. When I came out, there were three lovely princesses (literally) all ready for the program. They (and Wade) thought they were quite hilarious. Here's what was going on behind the scenes...

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Halloween Time!

As you know, the Greenwood's are total geeks when it comes to Halloween. So, here are a few samples from this years festivities.

Meg and Wade (aka Jack and Sally) looking good (Wade actually freaked out many a child in the neighborhood)

Sophie LOVED being a witchy-poo!

Lily LOVED being a skeleton (a "nice skeleton" as she continually reminded us)!

But, it was Emma who freaked us out the most in her Devil costume...she looked like she was 14 years old! AAAAHHHH!

And, here we are all together...One freaky bunch!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wade's Election B-Day

So, Wade, in all his subtlety, celebrated his election day birthday in style. And what an election day it was! All of his birthday wishes came true.

He even decorated for his own party. Once again, he's all about subtlety...

Happy Birthday Wade!