Today i finished getting all my questionnaires filled in, i focused first on the questionnaire for the film magazine cover.
I asked;
- age
- gender
- how often you buy film magazines
- what you'd expect to find in a film magazine
- important aspects of a thriller film magazine front cover
- price you'd pay
I asked a range of ages, my age ranges were from 15 to over 37, and i asked people that filled each of the age ranges. This helps me get a wider response when i come to producing my film magazine cover. I also evened it out so that i asked 5 boys and 5 girls to get a variated response.
When asked how often they buy film magazines, 9 of them responded with never and only one person bought them once a month. Despite the majority of people answering that they didn't buy film magazines, they still have knowledge on what goes in a film magazine. I gave a choice of interviews, pictures, countdowns to new releases, list of top 10's, talks with directors, posters, reviews and other. The top favourites that everyone picked were; interviews, reviews and list of top 10's. The least favourite's were talks with directors, posters and countdown to new releases. 8 people picked all the choices and 2 people left a few. Some people wrote on the 'other' line and they would like to see freebies/competitions, talks with actors (informal) and possiby a script (screenplay). From these responses i will use the posters on the front and make it so they are freebies that come with the magazine, so i'm incorporating people's freebie idea.
I am doing a thriller film trailer, so will be incorporating that theme on to my magazine cover, i then asked people what aspects were important. The majority of people thought the font was important...i used this font as an example...

Along with this people also picked the facial expressions of actors on the front cover, i personally think this is important because if they look scared you get an idea of what the film is going to be about, it matches the genre. Other people picked the dark background as being important. One person wrote that colour coding is an important aspect, like red=blood..
This Fangoria magazine cover uses red as its font colour to match the horror theme..

This magazine not only uses red as it's font colour but the blood coming from Megan Fox's mouth is central on the cover.
The final question i asked was the price preference, 4 people want the price at £1 - £2 and 4 people wanted the price £2 - £3 and 2 people picked £3 - £4.. from this i will price my magazine somewhere between £1 and £4, probably £3.50.
I am now going to work on asking more people questions for my film trailer..