Have you heard of Classroom Friendly Supplies? If not, where on earth have you been the past few years??? (lol just kidding) They are responsible for making possibly the best pencil sharpener out there! It is quiet, quick and sharpens the best of anything I've ever seen. This post is to celebrate a great sharpener and to kick off the sales of their newest color....purple!! I LOVE purple!

So, here is how it works. It comes with clamp so it can be attached to any surface. I love how I can move it wherever it is needed in the room. Slide the top piece out, place pencil inside and turn the lever just a couple of times and BAM the pencil is super sharp. I truly have never had a sharpener that sharpened a pencil this well.
Look how sharp these pencils are! So awesome!
A great thing about this company is the $1 from EACH sharpener goes to building schools in developing countries. It is a WIN-WIN. You get the best sharpener out there and contribute to helping build schools in other countries. The price lowers based on quantity purchased, so go in with your friends to save on each sharpener. Click on the top pic in the post to go straight to their post.