Thursday, April 5, 2012

the Merciful obtain Mercy

One of my favorite talks from General Conference this past weekend was by Pres. Uchtdorf.

This talk pierced my heart in so many different ways and for many different reasons.  I love listening and being inspired by our Prophets and Apostles.  I am grateful to hear their words to help me know what shifts and changes I need to make in my own life!  I know they speak for God and receive continual revelation for each of us.  I am grateful for a modern day Prophet.

I made this on photoshop and will hang it in our home.  I love this simple message.
The Merciful obtain Mercy:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Here is my 'instagram proof' that we have been busy and are still documenting the precious moments of every day life-

My instagram posts cover:

- Taylor got her license at the beginning of January and is becoming very confident with her driving skills
- Scott & Tiff celebrated their birthdays together on January 6th
- Austin and Taylor went to MORP as super heroes
- Sophie & Ava are in the middle of their dance competition season- a lot of her time is spent at DC2- She is loving it
- Taylor cheering at her basketball games
- Cooper wrestling for the junior high and loved every minute of it
- Trying to get used to 8 am church and having lots of time to spend together as a family through out the day. Lots of movie watching, games and afternoon naps
- I am loving teaching Sophie's primary class - the 8 yr. olds
- Lunch dates with my kids
- Austin is growing out his hair and loves to FRO it... He knows how to bug his mother...
- Taylor's late night massages, trying to relieve her cheerleading back
- Cannon celebrated his 11th Birthday- love that kid
- loving on Piper
- personalized Valentines -
- Taylor has become quite the little baker / chef
- Enjoying the one on one time when Austin is home in the morning... I can't believe he will be gone to college in such a short time.  BOO:(
- Cannon is loving 11 year old scouts and the camp outs
- Consoling my cute little sister, who just sent off her darling missionary for two years. Admiring her courage to be strong, as she supports him to do the right thing.  We love Elder Edwards
- Having LOTS & LOTS of political debates with my hubby and our teenagers, trying to decide, individually, who will be the best candidate... We have loved to hear & watch each of our kids come up with their own beliefs and the way they would run this country if they were the KING!  It is interesting to hear the way they really feel about certain topics.  Go MITT!
- Bribing Cannon to let us POP his terrible boils he has been getting since he was 3 years old
- Having a house full of teenagers every day-  there is always a different group of kids coming through the front door.  We love it... most of the time..

Life is so good.  We are blessed beyond measure. I love my family with all my heart and I get emotional every time I think about the fact that our oldest will be leaving to school and then on to his mission before we know it.  
Life is precious.

~And P.S.  Instagram ROCKS~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

She's 16 & legal...

So, Watch Out!

We have another driver on the road.... 

I don't know if it is just the mom in me.... but, I am a nervous wreck every time I see her drive away! The worry gives me a stomach ache.
Please be safe.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Emmie!

Grandma McCleve just emailed this short video of memories, with our sweet Emmie! I miss watching my kids interact and serve her! She was the sweetest blessing to our family. I am so grateful for the memories we have! We love you Emmie and think of you every day, your sweetness is missed by our entire family.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Belated Merry Christmas to you-

Christmas has come and gone.  

This year was a busy, but wonderful Christmas and I can't believe how fast it all went!  A lot of my Christmas season was spent in my cave, staring at this computer, editing photos and designing Christmas cards.  Therefore, I have been terrible at keeping our family blog updated and neglected to post our Christmas card here and wish those who we missed a Merry Christmas.  I am hoping to get some pictures posted soon of some important events that have taken place... Like my sisters wedding.... and much more!

My friend Kristyn McBride took our family pictures this year and I think she did a great job! Thank you Kristyn.  
Some of my favorites are posted below.

i LOVE my family!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Sweet Sixteen

Today our Christmas baby turns 16

And I can't believe it!

Here are 16 things we love about our tater tot: 
  1. She has a happy nature and loves to have fun!
  2. She is a people person.  She loves to be around people.
  3. She gives people the benefit of the doubt and is a good friend.
  4. Her smile is contagious and can light up a room!
  5. She has a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shares it often, in public!
  6. She has a desire to do good and lives by her values.
  7. She loves her family and tries to be a peacemaker.
  8. She sets a good example for her younger siblings.
  9. She is a social B... She loves to instagram and takes lots & lots of pictures. 
  10. She can follow through with a commitment. She recently stopped biting her nails and went 21 days.  She knows she has the power within, to do whatever she wants, when she puts her mind to something.
  11. She is a cute cheerleader & we love to watch her cheer.  Her smile radiates to the crowd.
  12. She has become quite the little baker and can make a yummy white texas sheet cake!
  13. She has a clean mind and an innocence about her.  It makes me happy when she doesn't "get" the unclean world and we have to explain....
  14. She is often told she looks and acts like her aunt Tiffany!  
  15. She is aware of others feelings and senses when somebody needs a friend.
  16. She is trust worthy.  I have ALWAYS been able to get the truth from Taylor!
We love this girl so much and are so grateful for who she is and has become!  She is not perfect, but she is constantly striving to be better!  And that is what I love the most about her.

Happy Sweet Sixteen!

We Love you...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

She said 'YES'

My beautiful sister said 'YES' and is getting hitched on December 27th, 2011!!

Needless to say... She is head over hills, IN LOVE, with her sweetheart!  They have waited and waited for this time in their lives, to finally tie the knot.  

They are adorable together.  I had so much fun capturing their love for each other, through the lens of my camera last week.  I can't wait to post more as I finish editing the rest of them.  

They are so cute.

Stay tuned...

I love their 'pinky promise'