/give Commands for Gear and Tools at Max Effective Level
Apr 5, 2021 · /give commands for all gear and tools at the maximum level before the effects stop increasing. Data based on this AntVenom video.
Question: Is an Unbreaking 3 Book possible on a Librarian ... - Reddit
Jun 3, 2019 · I've caged an unemployed villager and I've been breaking/replacing lecturns for the last 3 hours trying to get lucky with an Unbreaking 3 book for sale. I get Unbreaking 1 and 2 but havent seen a 3. Can you get a Librarian offer them first round as a Lvl 1 Novice? Also, Efficiency 5 and Protection 4? Can anyone confirm this is possible? Update:
Basically, I have compiled a set of /give commands that give
Mar 9, 2021 · This Reddit post compiles a set of /give commands for Minecraft.
Is the unbreaking enchantment beyond III effective? - Arqade
Aug 5, 2015 · The chance converges to 40% for high values of Unbreaking, with diminishing returns the higher the enchantment level gets, to the point where is negligible. If you directly compare an Unbreaking III Diamond Chestplate to an Unbreaking IV one, on average, the former breaks after 529100/(60+40/4)=756 hits, the latter after 529100/(60+40/5)=778 ...
What order is needed to get the highest level enchantments on
Mar 9, 2021 · Currently, I can easily create the chestplate and leggings with Protection IV, Thorns III, Mending, and Unbreaking III without maxing out the anvil uses, but I can't achieve the same with the helmet or boots. For the boots I was trying to get Protection IV, Thorns III, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III, Unbreaking III, Mending.
What is the most efficient level for enchanting? - Arqade
Nov 28, 2023 · Level 1 (25-75) Unbreaking Enchantment Level 1 (5-55) Level 2 (15-65) Level 3 (25-75) Fortune Enchantment Level 1 (20-70) Level 2 (32-82) Level 3 (44-94) This section is pretty straightforward. If your modified enchanting level falls into any of these number brackets you have the possibility to get that enchantment. Some notes:
minecraft java edition minecraft commands - How can I /give …
You can put other enchantments in here by replacing "minecraft:sharpness" with something else and of course the lvl tag is just the level of the enchant. Multiple enchantments can be done like this: /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:20},{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:10}]} …
how much unbreaking enchant level would you need for gold to
Jan 15, 2022 · According to the wiki the formula is that there's a 100/(unbreaking level + 1)% chance that durability is reduced. This means that on average each level increases the durability of the item by its base durability. A Netherite tool has 2032 uses and a gold tool has 33, so you'd need Unbreaking 61.
Enchantment Guide For The Best Enchants On All Items
Oct 19, 2020 · Boots which receive feather falling from a table cannot also receive max level depth strider or protection without later combining. This one is weird and I don't think it is mentioned anywhere, but it's true. Any time a direct enchant gives feather falling, depth strider can only go up to level 2 and protection can only go up to level 3.
In minecraft, how does armor and the unbreaking enchantment
Jan 2, 2019 · unbreaking 32767, thorns 32767, and feather falling 32767. Now, having unbreaking 32767 would suggest that the boots would probably never break in my lifetime, but for some reason that isn't the case. After just an hour of going about regular minecraft activities, I've noticed that I've lost over 75% of the boots' durability.