Radon - Washington State Department of Health
Radon Maps and Data. The Washington State Department of Health Radon Program works with the Washington Tracking Network (WTN), another Washington State Department of Health program focused on making public health data more accessible. WTN has helped to present WA radon data in ways that are the most useful and relatable.
Radon Data - Washington State Department of Health
Radon Data . Radon - Mobile Map . Reduce Exposure. To learn more about radon, your health, and reducing exposure, visit our Radon webpage. Radon Awareness: Pacific Northwest and Alaska - YouTube video by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Radon in Schools - Washington State Department of Health
Washington Tracking Network Radon Risk Map shows how different geology across our state produces different amounts of radon. This map DOES NOT indicate areas where buildings should be tested or not tested.
WTN On The Go | Washington State Department of Health
WTN On The Go makes viewing environmental health data maps easy on mobile devices. This tool helps you access WTN data while out and about and seeing what environmental conditions you will be in. There are three map topics available: …
Radon Test Kit Request - Washington State Department of Health
To request a free radon test kit, fill out and submit this form. The home you are testing must be in Washington state. If you have questions, contact our Radon Program at doh.radon@doh.wa.gov or 360-236-3246.
Radon Test Kit Access Form - Washington State Department of …
Thank you for your interest in requesting a Radon Test Kit. Please provide your email address and we will send you a link to access the Radon Test Kit Request Form.
radon is within your home, but the only way to know your radon levels is to test. Radon comes from the ground and can sometimes get trapped in homes and buildings. Test your home for radon. Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH) encourages testing for radon. You can buy a radon test kit at a home improvement store or online. Once the test is
General Radiation Fact Sheets - Washington State Department of …
Washington State Department of Health. About us; Jobs - Work@Health; Public health connection blog; BienestarWA blog (español) Request public records; Rule Making; ... State Board of Health; Other Partners; Subscribe for Updates. Get email alerts based on your topic preferences like news releases, job openings, emergency updates and more! ...
Radiation Protection - Washington State Department of Health
The Office of Radiation Protection in Washington works to protect the health and safety of people in Washington from unnecessary exposure to radiation. Explore Radiation Topics - Nuclear energy, radiation emergencies, radon, Hanford, and more.
2024 Pacific Northwest Radon Poster Contest for students now open
Jan 4, 2024 · OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Health is calling on students across the Northwest to get creative and raise awareness about the dangers of radon gas by participating in the 2024 Northwest Radon Poster Contest.