The offsets are classified according to direction and length, according to direction it is of two types i.e., perpendicular offsets and oblique offsets, according to length i.e., short offsets and long offsets.
Jul 20, 2018 · Oblique offset: Any offset not perpendicular to the chain line is said to be oblique offset. Oblique offset taken when the objects are at the long distance from the chain line or when it is not possible to set up a right angle.
Oblique offsets: When the lateral measurements for fixing details are not at right angles to the chain line, the offsets are called oblique offsets. Simply, when the angle is other than 90 ∘ , an offset is called oblique offset.
Sep 23, 2019 · Offset which can be judged by the naked eye or offset less than 15 m is called short offset and offset greater than 15 m is called long offset. Most commonly short offsets are preferred. These are of two types: (i) Perpendicular offset at right angles to the chain line (ii) oblique offsets not at right angles to the chain line
– Predominate crash is left oblique – More minor and moderate injuries in left oblique crashes – Most leg injuries in left-oblique, center-to-left corner, and left offset crashes
Oblique Offset Testing (15 degrees, 50% Overlap) o. 2010 SAE Government/Industry . oDemonstrated the Thor head contact similar to case reviews . oA-pillar, door, or IP in all tests. oCrush pattern similar to case reviews. 5