Micromirror device - Wikipedia
Micromirror devices are devices based on microscopically small mirrors. The mirrors are microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), which means that their states are controlled by applying a voltage between the two electrodes around the mirror arrays.
数字微镜器件DMD详解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
数字微镜器件 (Digital Micromirror Devices,DMD),是由美国 德州仪器公司 (TI)的一名科学家L.J.Hornbeck于1982年发明的,是一种电子输入、光学输出的 微机电系统 (optical micro-electrical-mechanical system (MEMS) ),它由许多小型铝制反射镜面组成,每个镜面被称为一个 …
Sep 26, 2021 · 数字微镜器件(Digtial Micromirror Devices,DMD),是由美国德州仪器公司(TI)的一名科学家L.J.Hornbeck于1982年发明的,是一种电子输入、光学输出的微机电系统(optical micro-electrical-mechanical system (MEMS) ),它由许多小型铝制反射镜面组成,每个镜面被称为一个像素。
Digital micromirror device - Wikipedia
The digital micromirror device, or DMD, is the microoptoelectromechanical system (MOEMS) that is the core of the trademarked Digital Light Processing (DLP) projection technology from Texas Instruments (TI).
DMD 微镜是一种微机械电子器件, 因为其有两种稳定的微镜状态(对于大多数现用的 DMD 而言为 +12°和-12°),此类状态由运行期间微镜的几何结构和静电特性所决定。 微镜是一种光机械器件, 因为这两个位置决定了光反射偏转的方向。 特别地,DMD. 是一种空间光调制器。 按照惯例,正 (+) 状态向照明方向倾斜, 被称为“ 打开” 状态。 类似地,负 (-) 状态则向远离照明的方向倾斜, 被称为“关闭” 状态。 图 1 示出了两个像素, 一个像素位于打开状态, 而另一个像素则处于关闭状态。 这些是微 …
基于数字微镜器件 (DMD)技术:原理、应用及展望--机器视觉网
在机器视觉领域,数字微镜器件(Digital Micromirror Device, DMD)作为一种成熟的空間光调制器(Spatial Light Modulator, SLM)技术,已广泛应用于数字投影显示领域。 近年来,DMD凭借其高分辨率、高速度、高对比度和灵活的编程特性,在半导体和微纳制造领域,特别是直写光刻 ...
An overview of the current state of the art in scanning micromirror technology for switching, imaging, and beam steering applications is presented. The requirements that drive the design and fabrication technology are covered. Electrostatic, electromagnetic, and magnetic actuation techniques are discussed as well as the motivation toward combdrive
Micromirrors - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The definition of the micromirror may be the small-sized device including some new mechanisms as compared to bulk mirror devices, which usually use bulk motors for actuation. The micromirror requires a smaller amount of power for driving, and some …
A DMD is an optical micro-electrical-mechanical system (MEMS) that contains an array of highly reflective aluminum micromirrors. This document describes how one mirror, or pixel, works. It also explains how rows, blocks, or frames of data can be loaded to an entire DMD array.
光学器件原理|数字微反射镜(DMD)_单元 - 搜狐
Sep 21, 2018 · 空间光调制器——数字微镜器件(Digtial Micromirror Devices,DMD),是由美国德州仪器公司(TI)的一名科学家L.J.Hornbeck于1982年发明的。 DMD是一种基于半导体制造技术,由高速数字式光反射开关阵列组成的器件,通过控制微镜片绕固定轴(轭)的旋转和时域响 …
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