Leafy Spurge - Montana Weed Control Association
Biological, sheep & goat grazing and herbicide. Contact your County Weed District or local applicator for more information. Seed capsules explode, shooting seeds up to distances of 15 feet; seeds can remain viable for over 15 years. Plant is difficult to …
Leafy Spurge - Montana Field Guide
Jan 28, 2025 · Leafy Spurge - Euphorbia virgata, exotic and Noxious * A rhizomatous perennial. * Stems are blue-green to pale green. * Stem leaves are alternate below the inflorescence.
Leafy spurge is a long-lived, deep rooted perennial forb adapted to many habitat types from riparian to dry hillsides. It has invaded over 2.5 million acres of land in the western United States and Canada.
Leafy Spurge | National Invasive Species Information Center
Species Profile: Leafy Spurge. Crowds out native species (Gucker 2010)
Leafy Spurge Flea Beetles (Aphthona spp) – Montana Biocontrol
Six species of Aphthona flea beetles native to Europe and Asia have been intentionally released in the United States for biological control of leafy spurge. Aphthona nigriscutus and A. lacertosa are now the most abundant and widely distributed.
Nicknamed leafy “scourge,” this 2- to 4-foot-tall plant has long, slender leaves and clusters of yellowish-green flowers nestled in cupped structures known as bracts. Stems, flowers, and leaves emit a white, milky sap when broken.
Long-term Outcome of Leafy Spurge Integrated Management
Leafy spurge is a widespread and difficult-to-control noxious weed in Montana. In 2002 MSU and Missoula County Weed District began a research project near Lolo, MT, that integrated herbicide and seeding to manage leafy spurge.