Galahad - Wikipedia
Galahad (/ ˈ ɡ æ l ə h æ d /), sometimes referred to as Galeas (/ ɡ ə ˈ l iː ə s /) or Galath (/ ˈ ɡ æ l ə θ /), among other versions of his name, is a knight of King Arthur's Round Table and one of the three achievers of the Holy Grail in Arthurian legend.
Sir Galahad - King Arthur's Knights
Galahad was always known as the “Perfect Knight” – perfect in courage, gentleness, courtesy, and chivalry. Eventually, Bors left Galahad and Percivale to take Percivale’s sister’s body back to England, and so Galahad and Percivale traveled alone together.
Galahad | Quest for the Grail, Arthurian Legend, Knight of the …
Galahad, the pure knight in Arthurian romance, son of Lancelot du Lac and Elaine (daughter of Pelles), who achieved the vision of God through the Holy Grail. In the first romance treatments of the Grail story (e.g., Chrétien de Troyes’s 12th-century …
Sir Galahad: The Purest Knight of Arthur’s Round Table - Knights …
In the rich tapestry of Arthurian legends, a name that gleams with unmatched purity and valiance is that of Sir Galahad. Often hailed as the paragon of knightly virtues, Sir Galahad’s narrative is woven with threads of prophecy, destiny, and unwavering faith.
Sir Galahad - Arthurian Mythology
Sir Galahad, the illustrious Grail knight and son of Lancelot and Elaine, is a pivotal figure in Arthurian legend. Renowned for his unparalleled purity and spiritual love, Galahad alone could sit on the Siege Perilous and successfully complete the Grail Quest, surpassing his father.
Galahad | Robbins Library Digital Projects
Sir Galahad, the son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic, is best known as the knight who achieves the Holy Grail. When Galahad appears, he is the chief Grail knight; in the French and English traditions, he replaces Perceval in this role.
Galahad - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sir Galahad is a character from Arthurian legend- a knight of the Round Table and the son of Sir Lancelot. Legend says that Galahad searched for and later found the Holy Grail earning him the name 'The Grail Knight', as he was the only one on earth considered by God worthy of …
Grail Legends (Galahad's Tradition) - Arthurian Mythology
The article "Galahad's Tradition" delves into the legendary narrative of Galahad, the esteemed Grail hero in the Vulgate Cycle, a key piece of medieval literature. It covers his noteworthy role in the "Quest of the Holy Grail," detailing his lineage, knightly virtues, spiritual triumphs, and eventual ascent to the heav...
Galahad - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Sir Galahad (a veces llamado Galaz; en galés: Gwalchavad) es uno de los caballeros de la Mesa Redonda del rey Arturo y uno de los tres que alcanzaron el Santo Grial en las leyendas artúricas. Es el hijo bastardo de Sir Lancelot y Elaine de Corbenic (descendiente de José de Arimatea), y es reconocido por su gallardía y pureza.
Galahad – Wikipedia
Galahad (Sir Galahad, auch französisch Galaad) ist einer der wichtigsten Ritter der Tafelrunde in der Artussage. Seine besondere Stellung wird in manchen Versionen der Sage dadurch ausgedrückt, dass er auf einem Stuhl Platz nehmen darf, der …