I give permission for my child to attend The Blue Church Christmas Party Club. I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature. I give permission for my child photo to be used …
Since the Blue Church’s earliest days we have been, and continue to be, committed to the task of making disciples of all people groups. We are helping to support 20 active missionary units …
The Blue Church conducts a worship service each month for two to three dozen residents at the Sterling Nursing Center in Media, and Sterling’s staff offers their heartfelt thanks for our efforts. …
Have questions about The Blue Church, Jesus or how the Bible is relevant for your life? Our pastor welcomes your questions either after the service or via this site, from the comfort of …
Mar 6, 2017 · I am tired. Give me strength to face each day and make it through. My king, some of these men would look to harm me. I do not know all that they have plotted.
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