Just like modern legumes and other plants that use nitrogen fixation, these cycads trade their sugars with bacteria in their roots in exchange for nitrogen plucked from the atmosphere. What originally ...
at 100 lb/ac compared to plants receiving no supplemental N (Figure 2). Nitrogen fixation by soybean decreases exponentially as N application rate increases, such that application of 45 lb/ac N can ...
For fixation, nitrogen fixing isolates target ... a signal response mechanism recruits more plant associated nitrogen fixers. For uptake of organic nitrogen, a purpose-built metabolite targets ...
A new source of nitrogen has been discovered. Researchers from RPTU University Kaiserslautern-Landau in southwestern Germany ...
Living organisms need nitrogen as a central building block for protein formation, for example. However, although our ...
Harnessing bacteria to supplement maize nutrition isn’t new, but a growing body of evidence shows that biological solutions ...
This study found that bean inoculation with Rhizobium alone or in combination with P application, can increase grain yield of ...
For years, attempts have therefore been made to transfer the natural nitrogen fixation in bacteria and ... serious problems with the transfer to plants is that nitrogenase is extremely sensitive ...
Even for plants, there can be too much of a good thing. When nitrogen levels are too high, for example due to excessive ...
Nitrogen is essential for all life on Earth. In the global oceans, however, this element is scarce, and nitrogen availability is therefore critical for the growth of marine life. Some bacteria found ...
For a long time, scientists believed that early life on Earth struggled due to a lack of usable nitrogen. This new discovery ...