Below, you'll find a few things my father taught me about money ... wisdom my dad imparted to me. He's helped me become financially stable and secure well before most people my age.
But my family’s experiences have made me think long and hard about what will happen to me when and if I find myself living as my father ... he taught me another important lesson: How I don ...
In her final days, I had to make the same decision I faced with my father ... taught me that the only thing that truly matters is the care we show for others. That’s the most important lesson ...
The only “sin” for my parents was laziness. So while I’m sure he was not thrilled about my sexual identity, he accepted me. That is what I remember most about my father. Born in 1923 ...
"Though we lost him three years ago, my father ... success to the lessons he learned from his father, Alvin Austin, who died in October 2012. "The one that stands out to me the most has to do ...