Darth Vader's visual influence set the standard for Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe. Sith masks can amplify dark side powers and become channels of the Force. Sith Lords have been known to ...
Thus, Nihilus became more akin to a force of entropy. Any who gaze upon the Sith Lord's mask will soon perish. His voice is the last to be heard before their souls are consumed. For many ...
The final instalment in George Lucas' Star Wars Prequel trilogy, Revenge of the Sith, is returning to theaters in April to ...
Reign of the Empire… One of the time periods in the Star Wars franchise that has always been intriguing is the years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope where the Empire ruled with an iron fist ...
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, the final film of the Prequel Trilogy depicting Anakin Skywalker’s fall to the Dark Side ...