When considering an owl’s nest box for your yard, keep in mind that some species of owl are territorial, especially when they have young, so keeping their nest at a safe distance from entrances ...
Want to have an owl nest in your backyard? It's time to start to thinking about building a nesting box for your backyard. Surprisingly, winter is the best time to put up an owl nesting box.
Want to have an owl nest in your backyard? It's time to start to thinking about building a nesting box for your backyard. Surprisingly, winter is the best time to put up an owl nesting box.
A feral cat has given birth to four kittens in an owl nest box six metres (20ft) off the ground. A camera inside the box allowed the owners to see the mother and kittens. The kittens, which were ...
One of the nine owl boxes installed on David's farm The nest boxes on David's 185-acre farm are used to recreate a natural tree cavity that barn owls would have traditionally nested in.
Nature:Sandhill cranes aren't unexpected in central Ohio During the day, a roosting screech owl typically holes up in a tree cavity or nest box. Sometimes they’ll sit tight against a tree trunk ...
Who wants to build homes for an owl? Who? Who? Who? One of the best ways to do that is to build an owl nesting box, and it's easier than you might think. There are several types of owl species across ...