All three Chinese ships are assigned to the Southern Theater Command Navy, or the South Sea Fleet. According to Google Maps, the straight-line distance between Zhanjiang and the latest reported ...
It was not clear whether the Chinese naval task group will transit westward to the waters south of mainland Australia.
SYDNEY/WELLINGTON, Feb 25 (Reuters) - A Virgin Australia pilot alerted Australian authorities about a live-fire drill by Chinese naval ships last week in the Tasman Sea that forced 49 flights to ...
The New Zealand Defence Force, in conjunction with Australian authorities, are continuing to monitor a People's Liberation Army - Navy (PLA-N) Task Group in the Tasman Sea about 350 nautical miles ...
The Chinese warships off Australia's coast are carrying missiles with a range of about 1,000 kilometres, New Zealand's defence minister says, warning of an urgent need for her government to bolster ...