The two former Armymen, identified as Dibil Kumar and Rajesh, allegedly killed a 24-year-old woman and her 17-day-old twin ...
It’s a murder case that haunted the law enforcement agencies, including Kerala Police and later CBI, for 19 long years. In ...
An old photo taken at a wedding was the crucial lead that ended a nearly two-decade-long manhunt for the accused in the ...
Returning home one day, she found her daughter, Ranjini, and her 17-day-old twin granddaughters brutally murdered.
Divil Kumar entrusted his friend Rajesh to murder his girlfriend Ranjini and their twin children in a bid to deny paternity ...
Fearing that a paternity test would prove that he was the father of a 24-year-old woman's twin daughters, who were just 17 ...
Two ex-Armymen were arrested for killing a 24-year-old woman, and her 17-days twin babies 19 years ago. | One of India's ...
Kochi/T'puram: Crucial information passed on by Kerala Police led to the arrest of two absconding accused wanted for the ...
The case dates back to 10 February 2006, when 24-year-old Ranjini and her newborn daughters were found murdered in their ...
Two former army personnel who had gone absconding after the murder of 24-year-old Renjini and her twin newborn daughters in 2006 at Anchal in Kollam were produced before the Chief Judicial Magistrate ...
Kerala: Two former soldiers, Dibil Kumar B and Rajesh P, have been arrested by the CBI after nearly two decades on the run for the murder of a 24-year-old woman, Ranjini, and her 17-day-old twin ...
The case relates to the brutal murder of a 24-year-old woman and her newborn twin daughters, aged 17 days, on February 10, ...