An ancient exoplanet dated at 12.7 billion years old could have formed over a long period in a giant disk of gas, according ...
If Brown’s hidden world is real, Rubin will almost certainly find it or strong indirect evidence that it exists. “In the ...
A pair of massive thunderstorms have been spotted swirling in Jupiter's "South Equatorial Belt" and are likely unleashing ...
Potentially habitable exoplanets are so incredibly common that astronomers have started to consider more unusual situations ...
They are extrasolar gas giants which are the size of Neptune or larger. Unfortunately, such gas giant planets are hardly harbingers of life as we know it. But they are a necessary stop on the long ...
If a future spacecraft can confirm that they are organic, then it would virtually confirm that Ceres is producing these ...
If you're sky-watching just after dusk in December 2024, it's almost certainly the planet Jupiter. Shining brighter than at any time since November 2023, the giant planet this weekend reaches what ...
The presence of a North Pole star is a coincidence that has saved lives and perhaps changed history, but is it shared across ...
Skoltech researchers have proposed novel mathematical equations that describe the behavior of aggregating particles in fluids. This bears on natural and engineering processes as diverse as rain ...
The giant planet is located in central Taurus the Bull, to the upper left of the constellation’s brightest star, the magnitude 0.9 red giant Aldebaran. Through binoculars or a telescope ...
Astronomers believe the Star of Bethlehem or "Christmas Star" could have been Jupiter, Venus, or Mars—or possibly a combination of the three—as each of the planets are near their peak ...