In this respect γ-radiation seems to be the most useful due to its effective depth of penetration, and the most convenient sources of γ-radiation are cobalt-60 and cæsium-137.
Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium responsible for anthrax, has a complex cell wall structure that plays a crucial role in its survival and virulence. Central to this structure are cell wall ...
Bacillus anthracis can also be weaponized — even small amounts of microscopic anthrax spores in an aerosol release can cause ... In 2008, Ivins killed himself, depriving the FBI of its prime suspect ...
Anthrax is the name of the disease caused by the spores of bacteria Bacillus anthracis and human infections are rare in the ...
CDC scientists were studying the bacteria in a high-level biosecurity lab and then transferred the samples to three lower-security labs without first properly inactivating the live microbes. Workers ...
It's also offered to people who handle livestock, since the anthrax bacteria, Bacillus anthracis ... Anthrax infection is ...
Anthrax is an infection caused by bacterium Bacillus anthracis ... with the bacterium’s spores, which often appear in infectious animal products or by-products. Its symptoms include fever ...