Apex Legends is taking it back to where it all began with the launch of the previously announced Launch Royale event. Unlike ...
Apex Legends is set to receive a massive update that provides a much-needed buff to Mirage, adjusts Ranked, and balances weapons.
In response to how dominant Gibraltar, Newcastle, and Lifeline have become in Apex Legends' meta in response to the Season 23 changes--all three can keep their allies up and fighting extremely easy if ...
A new Apex Legends update is here and Respawn's focus on Support legends continues, with both Loba and Mirage getting reworked kits.
This is how Apex Legends was when I first played the game, and its so easy ... and I run through with a nostalgic fondness ...
While Apex’s player count is declining, HisWattson’s video has garnered massive support and is on track to reach over one million views. In this diary-style vlog, the YouTuber explained why he thinks ...
Blizzard followed suit with World of Warcraft Classic, Fortnite is currently running 'remix' versions of old seasons and now, Respawn and EA have launched a classic Apex Legends game mode.
Developer Respawn Entertainment fails to deliver on a promise it made to Apex Legends fans earlier in 2024, disappointing ...
Apex Legends has arguably been the best feeling battle-royale game to play, but it's now dying a very public death.
While the ongoing Apex Legends Season 23 is set to end soon, prominent data miner/leaker @HYPERMYSTx mentioned on X that Fuse will likely be the next character to receive a rework.