In an old interview with The Indian Express, Aayush Sharma spoke about sharing the screen with his wife, Arpita Khan Sharma’s brother Salman Khan in the 2021 action movie, Antim: The Final Truth.
Let’s look at the journey of an actor who comes from a strong political background. Starting off his career as a background dancer for Ranbir Kapoor, he is now close to Salman Khan.
Actor Aayush Sharma's luxury car was involved in an accident at Khar Gym Khana, Mumbai. While Aayush himself was not present in the vehicle at the time, the incident has raised concerns about ...
Aayush Sharma, who was born on this day in 1990, has turned 34 years old today. Known for his movies like Love Yatri and ...
Aayush Sharma is a Movie/TV News Writer from India. He has been writing about Hollywood movies, US TV shows, and more for the last 9 years. He has attended several film festivals around the world ...
Mumbai, May 25 (ANI): Bollywood actor Aayush Sharma clicked in Mumbai. The actor looked handsome in a casual outfit. He donned a light blue shirt paired with cream coloured pants. Aayush also ...
Actor Aayush Sharma is celebrating multiple special occasions. His daughter, Ayat, turned five. His brother-in-law, Salman Khan, also had his birthday. Aayush shared heartfelt photos on Instagram.
While Aayush Sharma, Arpita's husband, prefers healthy eating, he indulges in cheat meals weekly. Aayush, who debuted in 'Loveyatri', gained recognition in 'Antim' and awaits the release of 'Kwatha'.
Salman Khan`s sister, Arpita Khan Sharma, hosted a star-studded Christmas bash at her new restaurant, which was attended by several Bollywood celebrities. Among the guests were her husband Aayush ...