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Author Topic: (Old Post-Apocalypse thread).  (Read 222925 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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(Old Post-Apocalypse thread).
« on: April 01, 2012, 06:25:02 pm »

Game tips:
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(Dwarf therapist is included)


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Civilizations and items:
- Vault dwellers
- Wastelanders
- Ghouls
- Master's army (supermutants)
- Cannibals
- Raiders
- Nightkin
- Enclave

There are crossbows, pump-action guns and rifles. Crossbows are bad vs armor. From the start you can make crossbows only. Pump-action guns shoot pellets which are weaker than bullets but do not require gunpowder to make. To get pump-action guns, rifles and ammo, you have to research gunsmith's forge blueprints.
Code: [Select]
                         leather           iron armor          steel armor
Crossbow/iron bolt        deadly            bounces off         bounces off
Pumpgun/iron pellet       deadly            bruises             bounces off
Rifle/iron bullet         deadly            deadly              deadly


Geology and resources:
* New main source of income: scavenging. Scrap piles replace most trees, use trappers in scrapyard to scavenge after you "cut" them down with your woodcutters.
* Dug rocks can be crushed in scrapyards for less profit than from scrap piles.
* Scrap metal can be smelted into different metals, but there's a chance that you will get nothing.
* New soil types: raised mire, swamp peat, blanket mire.
* New fuel type "compact peat", appears in new soils.
* New mineral "goethite" (bog iron), 50% to get an iron from it, appears in new soils.
* New gold/copper alloy, "orichalcum", an iron-grade metal.
* Just one type of pewter.

* Vanilla gems are replaced with a few types of gem, junk, nails, wiring and computer parts. Cut gems/junk are called "polished ...". No more "wiring cabochons".

Curses and secrets:
* Vampires are replaced by replicant, synthetic humans which require real blood dozes to function.
* Werewolves are replaced by infected who can turn other into infected through a bite.
* Mummies and necromancers are replaced by reanimated cyborgs and cybermancers who can shoot cranial guns and use nanites to reanimate husks.
* There are radioactive rain and radioactive dust clouds in savage areas; also there are dust storms everywhere.

Worldgen options suited for the theme of the mod, including the "real world" worldgen.

Note that if you play the "Create new world!" world, you will most likely miss all cyborgs, cybermancers, radioactive rains, radioactive clouds etc. because they will be replaced by vanilla stuff. Play through the "Design new world with advanced parameters" option, all worldgen settings are already adjusted there.

Research system:

Prospect rocks and scrap piles for crates, open them for ammo, drugs, medical equipment, scrap, fuel rods and holodiscs.
Use holodisks from "pre-war tech crates" in "Inventor's Bench" workshop to get blueprints.

- Research biofuel -> biofuel refinery blueprints.
- Research chemistry -> chemistry lab blueprints.
- Research electrical furnaces -> arc furnace blueprints.
- Research firearms -> gunsmith's forge blueprints.
- Research furniture crafting -> furniture workshop blueprints.
- Research power sources -> generator blueprints.
- Research sawmill -> sawmill blueprints.
- Research virus manipulation -> virology lab blueprints.
- Research waste disposal -> sewage plant blueprints.

New workshops:

- Arcade
- Arc Furnace (requires blueprints and a fuel rod)
- Biofuel Refinery (requires blueprints)
- Chemical Lab (requires blueprints)
- Computer Terminal
- Display Case
- Furniture Workshop (requires blueprints)
- Generator (requires blueprints and a fuel rod)
- Gunsmith's Forge (requires blueprints)
- Inventor's Bench
- Overseer's Chair
- Scrapyard (IMPORTANT! Build it!)
- Sawmill (requires blueprints)
- Sewage Plant (requires blueprints)
- Tinker's workbench
- Virology lab (requires blueprints)

New reactions:

Flux can be replaced with green glass in steel making.

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   A variety of games to play (and raise some skills). Requires a charged cell to operate (the cell is not consumed).
[arc furnace]
   Most smelter reactions without fuel usage (like a magma smelter on a surface).
[biofuel refinery]
   *Processes alcohol, oil, vermins and wood blocks into fuel.*
[chemical lab]
   Make gunpowder [Alchemy]: brimstone + saltpeter + ash bar = gunpowder block
   Make buffout [Alchemy]: mutfruit + broc flower.
   Make jet [Alchemy]: mutfruit + xander root.
   Make med-x [Alchemy]: broc flower + xander root.
   Make mentats [Alchemy]: mutfruit + hemp.
   Make turbo [Alchemy]: jet + mentats.
[computer terminal]
   A variety of non-combat skills for training. Requires a charged cell to operate (the cell is not consumed).
[furniture workshop]
   Make bedroom set [Carpentry]: 6 wooden blocks into a bed, a coffer and a cabinet. Profitable if using a sawmill.
   Make dining set [Carpentry]: 4 wooden blocks into a chair and a table. Profitable if using a sawmill.
   Make green/clear/crystal glass box [Gemcutting]:
   Make green/clear/crystal glass cabinet [Gemcutting]:
   Make green/clear/crystal glass slab [Gemcutting]:
   Make plank bed [Carpentry]: 2 wooden blocks into a bed.
   Make plank cabinet [Carpentry]: 2 wooden blocks into a cabinet.
   Make plank chair [Carpentry]: 2 wooden blocks into a chair.
   Make plank coffer [Carpentry]: 2 wooden blocks into a coffer.
   Make plank table [Carpentry]: 2 wooden blocks into a table.
   Make iron bed [Metalcrafting]: A metal bed from 1 bar using a coal.
   Charge power cell [Mechanics]: takes a depleted cell, returns a charged cell.
[gunsmith's forge]
   Make metal ammo [Weaponsmith]: 2 metal bar + 1 gunpowder block = 3x50 metal ammo
   Make pump-action gun [Weaponsmith]: 1 metal bar + fuel = 1 pump-action gun
   Make rifle [Weaponsmith]: 1 metal bar + 1 wooden block + fuel = 1 rifle
[inventor's bench]
   Open pre-war tech crate [Alchemy]: destroy 1 pre-war tech crate to scrap metal, holodiscs and fuel rods (low chance). Gives 1 aluminum coffer.
   Open medical crate [Alchemy]: destroy 1 medical crate to get med-x and crutches (low chance). Gives 1 aluminum coffer.
   Open military crate [Alchemy]: destroy 1 military crate to get rifles and ammo (low chance). Gives 1 aluminum coffer.
   Research biofuels [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 biofuel refinery blueprints.
   Research chemistry [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 chemistry lab blueprints.
   Research electrofurnaces [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 arc furnace blueprints.
   Research firearms [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 arc gunsmith's forge blueprints.
   Research furniture crafting [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 furniture workshop blueprints.
   Research sawmill [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 sawmill blueprints.
   Research virus manipulation [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 virology lab blueprints.
   Research waste disposal [Alchemy]: destroy 1 holodisc to get 1 sewage plant blueprints.
   Bake bread [Cooking]: cook a bag of flour into a few breads.
   Make candy [Cooking]: cook a bag of sugar into a few candies.
   Melt scrap glass [Furnace operating]: melt scrap glass (gems) into green glass.
   Cremate bodyparts [Furnace operating]: burn 2 unusable bodyparts for 1 ash and a chance to get fat.
   Cremate remains [Furnace operating]: burn 1 vermin remains for a chance to get ash.
   Coke from compact peat [Furnace operating]: Use 1 coal to burn 1 compact peat boulder into 2 coal and 50% chance for another coal piece.
   Saw log into blocks [Woodcutting]: 1 log into 5 wooden blocks using coal. Useful in conjunction with furniture workshop and with "5 blocks + coal = 5 coal" smelter reaction.
   Wood to coal [Wood burning]: burns a wooden log for 1 fuel, does not waste scrap piles.
   Wooden blocks to coal(5) [Wood burning]: burn 5 blocks and 1 fuel for 5 fuel, profitable with a sawmill.
   Scavenge scrap [Trapping]: destroy a scrap pile "log" for a medium-chance results, including scrap metal, green glass, gunpowder and crates with loot.
   Prospect rocks (10) [Trapping]: destroy 10 non-economic rocks for low-chance results, including scrap metal, blocks of destroyed rocks, green glass, ores, gunpowder and crates with loot.
   Cremate bodyparts(10) [Trapping]: burn 10 unusable bodyparts for 10 ash bars and some fat.
   Cremate vermin(10) [Trapping]: burn 10 vermin remains for 10 ash bars.
   Burn bed for fuel [Wood burning]: burn 1 wooden bed for 1 coal.
   Burn cabinet for fuel [Wood burning]: burn 1 wooden cabinet for 1 coal.
   Burn chair for fuel [Wood burning]: burn 1 wooden chair for 1 coal.
   Burn coffer for fuel [Wood burning]: burn 1 wooden coffer for 1 coal.
   Burn table for fuel [Wood burning]: burn 1 wooden table for 1 coal.
   Empty bucket [Pump operating]: empty an unusable bucket filled with water.
[sewage plant]
   *Processes waste into food.*
[tanner's workshop]
   Produce tanned leather [Tanning]: takes polished nails (cut) and common leather and produces a studded leather.
[tinker's workbench]
   Disassemble broken robot [Gemcutting]: Destroys "robot parts" and has a chance to give various components and scrap metal.
   Uncut gem/junk [Gemcutting]: makes a cut gem rough again (for strange moods).
   Make computer parts [Gemcutting]: crafts computer parts from wiring and green glass (not 100% chance).
   Make copper wiring [Gemcutting]: crafts 3 rough "wiring" (gems) from 1 copper bar.
   Make energy cell [Gemcutting]:  crafts a depleted power cell from a cut wiring (gem).
   Make iron nails [Gemcutting]: crafts 3 rough "nails" (gems) from 1 iron bar.
   Craft assault rifle [Gemcutting]:  crafts an assault rifle from a rifle and a bayonet.
   Craft chainsaw [Gemcutting]: crafts a chainsaw from a hacksaw, a mechanism and a charged cell.
   Craft chainsword [Gemcutting]: crafts a chainsword from a machete, a mechanism and a charged cell.
   Craft bronze powerfist [Gemcutting]: crafts a bronze powerfist from a bronze bar and a charged cell.
   Craft iron powerfist [Gemcutting]: crafts an iron powerfist from an iron bar and a charged cell.
   Craft steel powerfist [Gemcutting]: crafts a steel powerfist from a steel bar and a charged cell.
   Craft power armor [Gemcutting]: crafts a reinforced power armor from 5 iron bars, a charged cell and a mechanism.
   Craft power armor MKII [Gemcutting]: crafts a plasteel advanced PA from 5 steel bars, a charged cell and a mechanism.
   Craft ripper [Gemcutting]: crafts a ripper from a knife, a cut wiring (gem) and a mechanism.
[virology lab]
   *Opens unknown virus containers found in medical crates and can spread and destroy resulted virus cultures.*

Adventure mode crafting reactions

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« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 10:16:49 pm by Deon »
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.31.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 06:25:36 pm »

To do:
- Alien-looking plants/creatures (for good biomes).
- Bread, candy and inebriation from alcohol.
- Drugs.
- Lovecraftian creatures (for good biomes).
- Feral ghouls, radioactive rains and ghoulification clouds.
- Replacement of leftover vanilla creatures.
- Rework of caves.
- Rework of bogeymen.
- Vampires/werewolves/necromancers into appropriate curses.
- Weather.
- Robots.
- Workshops and reactions.
- More streamlined geology, new alloys (!).
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 06:58:24 am by Deon »
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.31.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 06:26:50 pm »

It's 3:30 AM here, so let me upload the alpha version and go to bed. I will work on the first post text etc. tomorrow, okay?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 06:39:53 pm by Deon »
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.31.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 06:28:31 pm »

34.07 you mean?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 06:30:18 pm »

Herp derp, as I said, it's almost 4 AM here soon.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 06:52:33 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 06:58:19 pm »

I am often bad at phrasing things - don't hesitate to ask for clarification if something I said doesn't make sense.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 07:15:06 pm »

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✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository

IT 000

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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 07:50:12 pm »

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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2012, 08:45:04 pm »

Finally... FINALLY...

Deon, have my first born child.
How do you deliberately crutch a dwarf who seems to have no urge to go to the hospital and be diagnosed with "walklessness?"
Break his other leg.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2012, 12:05:23 am »

Thank you i have bean waiting for this since 34.01

possibly the most anticipated mod in DF history


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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2012, 01:57:57 am »

Ah, you caught up with the updates.


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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2012, 02:46:26 am »

I need to do so much to actually "catch up" with it.

But more ketch-up today evening, I promise :).
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2012, 05:18:16 pm »

Okay, except for "yes" and "thanks" I haven't got any feedback! Why?!!!!!!!!


Anyway, as I said, if you want to help with something, it's any creature that fits. And I started to turn the "good" biomes (which are usually quite rare) into "another dimension". Well, I mean into areas affected by some space-time distortion which brought in new creatures and life. Because why not.

So currently I have: deep ones, nightgaunts, drells and starspawns for that area. I still need to finish mi-go, flying horror, chthonian and yugg.

P.S. Correction: I've added wendigos, dimensional shamblers and dread spiders (should I keep them called "Leng Spiders"? I try to avoid location names). I also need to add zoogs, yekubs, shantaks and flying polyps.

I know it's a distraction from the "wasteland" theme, but I want to do them quickly and then finish working on good biomes.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 05:23:48 pm by Deon »
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [0.34.07] ☢ Post-Apocalypse ☢ Alpha (v.01) - Wasteland 3 for you
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2012, 05:35:38 pm »

Are good biomes meant to be areas twisted so horribly by radiation things just begin looking wacky?
Also, I very much dislike the tileset/custom menu stuff, you gonna put up an ASCII version at some point?
No rush, of course, I'd just like to enjoy my ASCII wasteland is all, love the choice of music, by the way.
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