Art Nerd New York | Los Angeles

Brooklyn Fox X Vahge X Art Nerd

I’m thrilled to be working with Williamsburg fashion mecca Brooklyn Fox, adding my curatorial flair to their sprawling Bedford window! I’m even more excited to have the lovely Vahge christen my first curated project with a special holiday window. I’ve been a fan of Vahge for a very long time, and can’t wait to see how her decadent collage translates to the large scale- and to see the reactions of the every busy Bedford Ave. Stay tuned for more art nerdery with Brooklyn Fox, or check it out in December on the corner of North 6th and Bedford Ave. vahge3 Brooklyn-Fox-7

One Response to “Brooklyn Fox X Vahge X Art Nerd”
  1. to the large scale- and to see the reactions of the every busy Bedford Ave. Stay tuned for more art nerdery with Brooklyn Fox, or check it out in

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