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A SoHo Collection

The late Tony Goldman was one of the first investors in the then-Bohemian Soho scene (which some see as good and some as bad…) Whether you’re on the side of gentrification or not, Goldman made sure to invest some of his successes into the artists that he came to know around his Green Street SoHo Building property.


Kenichi Hiratsuka Sculpture

Kenichi Hiratsuka Sculpture

With the iconic Subway Map Floating permanently on display in the sidewalk, the entrance is guarded with a Kenichi Hiratsuka sculpture. Inside, each floor is decked with art works from Goldman’s collection, starting at a giant Swoon on the first floor. Other pieces throughout the floors include work by my friend Logan Hicks, Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant, Retna, Christian Awe, Jeroen Koolhas and Dre Urhahn. Nylon mag and a bunch of other businesses have their headquarters here. Even if you don’t know anyone in the upper floors, the door man will let you take a look at the Swoons and Chalfants in the lobby.

Art by Retna

Art by Retna

Henry Chalfant and Swoon

Henry Chalfant and Swoon

Who: Tony Goldman collection

What: Logan Hicks, Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant, Retna, Christian Awe, Jeroen Koolhas and Dre Urhahn pieces.

Where: SoHo Building, 110 Greene St  New York, NY 10012

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