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Fancy Nancy and Money

This week we have been reading some Fancy Nancy books. Fancy Nancy likes to be fancy and she uses fancy words. We are making a list of her fancy words that we might use during writing workshop.

posh is a fancy word for fancy
fushia is a fancy word for purple
spectacular is a fancy word for great
merci is a fancy word for thank you
ecstatic is a fancy word for happy
exhausted is a fancy word for tired

Check out Fancy Nancy's website to play games, do some art activities and meet the author and illustrator (that's a fancy word for artist) of these fun books.

We have been practicing identifying coins and their values this week. I found this great website for practicing this skill and other kindergarten math concepts at IXL Math.

Dublin Literacy Conference

I attended the Dublin Literacy Conference last weekend. I had the opportunity to meet a few children's authors and illustrators. I fell in love with Denise Fleming because she made me laugh. She is such an amazing and talented author and artist. I learned some "secret things" about her books that I am sharing with my students this week. She got the idea for Mama Cat Has Three Kittens when a cat decided to have kittens under her porch. So be on the never know where you might find an idea for your next story.
Ask your child where Denise Fleming got the ideas
to write these three books.

At the conference I also met
Carole Gerber. She wrote two of my favorite books that we read when we studied trees...

Other highlights of the conference were listening to Ann Marie Corgill, author of Of Primary Importance: Essentials For Teaching, Learning, and Celebrating With Young Writers and author and illustrator Melissa Sweet. Ann Marie Corgill has 6 A's that she follows during her writing workshop: Ask, Analyze, Assist, Assess, Applaud and Advocate. I am looking forward to reading her book. I bought the book The Sleepy Little Alphabet this summer and I was excited to discover that Melissa Sweet was the illustrator. This was a very popular book at the beginning of the year because it has the word underwear in it:)

Check Out Free Technology for Teachers

Free Technology for Teachers posted this amazing video of the band OK Go and the Notre Dame Marching Band. I am posting this for no other reason than I used to be a "band geek" back in the day too:)

PS - Free Technology for Teachers is a great blog for learning about technology resources...
the band video is just icing on the cake:)

Presidents' Day

We are using this glog I created to learn more about the presidents and why we celebrate Presidents' Day.
Have fun exploring and learning.

Brian's 11th Birthday

We celebrated Brian's 11th birthday at Dave and Buster's last night. Who knew that Dave and Buster's would be a big Valentine's Day destination? It was very crowded, very loud, but Brian was very happy.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

We graphed a box of candy hearts while we patiently waited for our parties to begin. Thanks to all the parents for the wonderful parties. Both classes had sooooo much fun!!

eTech Conference

I heard Adora Svitak speak at the Ohio eTech Conference. She is a twelve year old girl who has published 3 books, spoken to audiences of thousands and has been featured on Oprah. She gave us a kid's eye view of a technologically innovative classroom. I met Adora and bought her book Dancing Fingers. I have decided that I want to be like Adora when I grow up:) Find out more about this amazing girl by following her blog Adora's Blog.

I was so lucky to attend the conference with these
amazing colleagues!

It was so fun to share my blog and ideas with other teachers across the state. Thanks to the Madeira Bunch for all your support before, during and after my presentation!!