A personalized bookshelf where you select the books, recipients choose the format, and Amazon delivers.
Choice for your recipients
Engage your recipients by offering choice of title, book format, and delivery preferences.
Save time and resources
Remove the administrative hassle of bulk ordering; Amazon delivers directly to your recipients.
Simple and easy
With a few steps, you can create a bookshelf, buy vouchers, and invite recipients. You only pay for what is used.
What our customers are saying?
"Integrating the Bookshelf tool was a game-changer. It significantly cut down the time spent on managing orders and allowed us to focus more on educational outcomes rather than administrative tasks."

- Nikki Kohlenberger, Director of Finance at Blue Ridge Academy
"The Amazon Bookshelf has significantly streamlined our efforts to get valuable books into the hands of our employees in the U.S. It has made the process simple and easy for both the administrator of our related programs and for our recipients."

- Samantha Young, HR Program Manager at F5
"I have received so many positive reviews on this gifting strategy that I know I will definitely be using Amazon's Bookshelf forever!"

- Christiane Carter, AdThrive
"Amazon Bookshelf provided an easy to use and one-stop shop for our bulk book ordering for a recent conference. The Amazon team was extremely helpful and patient and provided timely responses to all of my questions and concerns. We will definitely be using this product for our conferences moving forward!"

- Mary Grey Jacobson, MBACSWP Alliance

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up a Bookshelf?

You need an Amazon Business account and your recipients’ email addresses. Click the Get Started button above to create your first Your Company Bookshelf. Email us at if you need assistance.

How does funding work?

You can buy vouchers when you invite recipients to a Company Bookshelf or add funds to your standing balance to issue vouchers at a later point in time. Funds used to issue vouchers are reserved for the duration of the 'valid through' time period. Any funds not used by the 'valid through' date are returned to your available balance.

Can invitations be used multiple times?

Invitations can only be used to claim a Bookshelf Voucher once and cannot be shared.

Is the Your Company Bookshelf I created publicly visible? Who can buy from it?

Only invited recipients can view and purchase from Your Company Bookshelf.

Can Bookshelf vouchers be used for products on Amazon?

No, Bookshelf Vouchers can only be used to purchase books on Your Company Bookshelf.

I do not have a Amazon Business account. Can I still create a Your Company Bookshelf?

You need to create a free Amazon Business account to use Your Company Bookshelf. Learn more about Amazon Business.

How do I manage my budget and make payments?

As part of setting up Company Bookshelf, you indicate the number of recipients and amount given to each recipient. For instance, $20 per recipient, for 1,000 recipients will require $20,000 in purchased funds. Any funds not used by the 'valid through' date are returned to your available balance. You can view reports the number of outstanding invitations, claimed vouchers, and remaining balance.

If I have a Business Prime Account, will my recipients qualify for free shipping?

Since recipients are placing the orders for the books using their own accounts, only each recipient’s Prime status is considered for shipping options.

My Amazon Business account is part of Amazon Tax Exemption Program (ATEP), will this excemption carryover to my recipients?

No, only the recipient’s Amazon account tax status is considered. You will not have to pay taxes on funding of the vouchers for recipients, but your recipients will likely have to pay sales tax, which you may want to consider when deciding on the funding amount to provide them.

How do book returns work?

Standard return policies apply to any recipient order. Recipients return their book(s) purchased with Bookshelf Vouchers and select from other books on Your Company Bookshelf. If a return happens after the 'valid through' date, your recipient is provided with a three month grace period to select another book.

Can I have international recipients?

At this time, Your Company Bookshelf is only available in the United States.

What is the privacy policy?

Amazon does not share any personal/company account information. For more details view Your Company Bookshelf policies.

Do recipients need an Amazon account?

Yes, recipients need an Amazon or Amazon Business account to apply their Bookshelf Voucher. They can use an already existing account or create a free account.

Can recipients pick any book format?

Recipients choose from formats like Kindle eBook, paperback, and hardcover, subject to inventory availability. At this time, Audible books are not available with Bookshelf Vouchers.

Do recipients have to pay for the books that they purchase?

Recipients have the Your Company Bookshelf Voucher amount automatically applied to the cost of any of the books when they accept the invitation. Any remaining balance beyond the provided Bookshelf Voucher is paid for by the recipient.