
I sort of hesitate to show you what is on my needles. Back in June, I tried on a sweater, fell in love, and ordered yarn to make it. Then I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally my VOGUEKnitting arrived and I could cast on for my new project. But wait. When I flipped to the pattern, I wondered if I still liked it. You see, I don't think that I would have ever made this sweater from this photo.
You can't really see the details that I loved. The 5" rib along the back waist. The half circle on the one side of the front. The deep ribbed on the cuffs. And why does she look so mean?
And the color. That is the other thing I sort of hesitate to show you. It is the exact same color as the one pictured. A little out of my color realm. But, I'm going with it. And trusting my initial thoughts. Plus, the yarn is lovely to work with, and on size 8 needles, I am hoping it won't take too long. Because, I already have other projects on the brain.

School starts in one week. (The thought of packing lunches again just makes me cringe.) Going to soak up every last bit of summer. Let the kids stay up late. Listen to the cicada's. Eat a lot of popsicles. Go barefoot in the grass. Swim until dark. And just be.

Enjoy yours.
Oh! And no word on a dog, yet. The jury is still out on that one.


The boys and I went to "Bach and breakfast" in the park on Sunday morning. As Charlie and I hung out listening, Andrew played with my camera.
Life through Andrew's eyes:

I love this one.
I giggled when I downloaded these. It's pretty clear this boy has one thought on his mind these days.

take lots

I take a lot of photos. Mostly for this life of mine. Therefore, I have a bunch of out-takes. I could fill an album with just out-takes and maybe one day I will.  A few out-takes from last week:
A jar of daisies left on the patio.  We came back from our trip to find them in this state.  I thought they were spectacular.  Yes, I did.
A new skirt for Libby, handmade (by someone else) from vintage fabrics.  Layered and embellished in just the right way.
A handmade cupcake to celebrate a little life.  I wanted to celebrate the maker.  She made thirty of these.  Just because.  

Enjoy your out-takes, they too are this life of yours.

empire waist cardigan

Hello, there. Happy August!
I would love to tell you all about our trip to tahoe. And how envious I am of all that get to experience that on a daily basis. And share some photos, considering I took 991 of them. 
However, I am more excited to share the empire waist cardigan which includes a little of this magical spot.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this sweater.  Do I say that a lot?  I think I might. But seriously, this one!  This one has moved up to my number one spot.  It was a piece of cake to knit, the construction was totally fun,  and talk about wearable.  Heck, you can throw this on at anytime with anything.  
I seriously am going to make this in another color.  I would love to make it out of a wool for the fall. 
Pattern:  empire waist cardigan
Yarn:   classic elite provence, 6 skeins, color 2662, crushed violet
Needles:  US 5 and 6
size:  small
And I must mention that photo credits go to my wonderful sister, Lisa.  Who I made hike her skirt up to climb over a fence and climb down some rocks, all for my blog.  Thanks Lisa, you're the best.  (Well, you are too, Shelly.)
Have a great one.

i love nest

I've been meaning to remind you about nest.  I love this.  I really, really do.  Knitting for others that are in need is such a great thing.  I knit a bunch of fingerless mitts last year.  I had declared last July my "knitting for others" month.  This July I was pretty much a selfish knitter, knitting only for myself.  But I plan on changing that.  Really, I do.  I want to make hats soon... and into August.  Hats for nest.  
I've packed some yarn to do just that.  Because tomorrow we are flying the coup.  Hopefully I will finish my empire waist cardigan, and perhaps get a photo of it in front of a Lake.  
Be well, friends.

on my needles

This is my new project.  I became completely obsessed over it after seeing the one spiralstitch made.  And it just happened to be Classic Elite design by Pam Allen.  Bonus.  You know how much I love their pattern/yarn combination.
The construction is really interesting and I am loving it.  Starting on the right sleeve, working around the back and to the left sleeve.
After you finish the top, you pick up and work the body of the sweater.  Very little finishing. Another bonus!  Knit in all stockinette out of 100% cotton, this makes for an easy knit while clocking the hours at the pool.  If it is as cute as it is as fun, I can see this in another color in my wardrobe.  I'm thinking grey.  Or black.  Or olive.  Or brown.  Or........

my most favorite

My girl and I spent one simple evening. 
With a flower that reminds me to enjoy the simple moments.
And in between all the running around we are doing.
It is these moments I want to remember most.
Enjoy your weekend.  

take two

Alright. Back to the rickrack rib pullover. 
I guess some of you didn't think it looked terrible before.  And, I thank you for that.  However,  I didn't give you the full view. It really was way too big after I blocked it. Too loose and boxy and baggy.   And it was entirely my fault because I initially thought it was too tight.  However, after re-blocking I got it exactly how I like it.  
A few thoughts about blocking:  Everything I ever make, I block.  Well, not my hats and gloves or scarves, but all of my sweaters.  So many garments don't even get the proper drape until you block them.  I do it all in the machine on the hand-wash setting and throw in a little bit of soap.  As soon as the machine stops, I lay the garment out on a towel.  I often take them outside and let them dry in the sun.  I also measure using the measurements from the pattern according to the size I made.  And many times I just base it on the fit before it is blocked.  (I am that anxious knitter that sews the sweater together and then try's it on with all the yarn tails hanging everywhere.)  I always block the finished garment and not just the pieces.  (Like a lot of patterns instruct you to do.)  And I try very hard to resist the temptation of trying on a wet sweater.  
This pattern is great.  Designed by Kat Coyle.  A perfect combination of a stitch pattern and a stockinette.  Just enough rickrack rib stitch to keep you busy and then giving you a little stockinette for those moments when you need a mindless knit.
It was the first time I worked with Classic Elites wool bam boo.  It is unbelievably soft. I'm not sure I expected that.    
Yarn:  Classic Elite Wool Bam Boo  color 1649, blueberry, 8 balls
Needle Size: US 6
Alright.   I'm onto the next.  Something in a shade of purple.  I'll be back soon to tell you all about it.
Have a great one!

whatcha reading?

I received this book last fall and immediately earmarked several projects.  The book then got placed alongside my knitting books and was sort of forgotten until Libby started reading a book she thought she couldn't read around her brothers.  The back cover had some "girl content" and she knew they would see it.
I remembered the book cover project which was perfect for concealing what she wanted to hide.
We picked out some fabric and used a contrasting brown linen scrap for the lining.  A ribbon saved from a gift from my sisters travels to Italy.  Gusto: Vigorous enjoyment.  Perfect.
There are several other projects in the book I would love to make.
A new apron may be in order.  I'm thinking brown linen would be nice.
And maybe a new set of summertime coasters.  
Happy July!

take one

Have you ever made something, that you thought was too tight, so you block the you know what out of it, and then it is too big?  Yeah.  Me, too.  I'll be back after I re-block with all the specifics.
Have a great day!

a kicker

The beginning of the summer pretty much kicks my butt every year.  I have visions of days like this saturday... but they are anything but that.  I will get used to all this running soon.  I am sure of it.
Last Sunday was a bit of what I had been wanting.  A day at home.  I mean ALL day at home.  I spent most of the day in the kitchen, with an occasional helper floating in and out.  There was a fathers day breakfast of challah french toast, granola and bagels (didn't make them) with vegetable cream cheese. Then, hummus, pita chips, lots of  raw vegetables, grilled shrimp with mango salsa, grilled vegetables, a huge salad, corn on the cob, sour dough bread with garlic scape pesto, and warm peach cobbler.
I marinated the shrimp in lime juice, olive oil and cilantro.  For the mango salsa, I used 2 mangos diced, 1/2 red onion, minced, lime juice and a pinch of cayenne.
My absolute favorite was the bread.  I posted a photo on flickr asking what it was.  I have never seen a scape.  Seriously! I know! And Julie mentioned Brian's post and the next thing I knew I was making this.  I spread the scape pesto on sour dough bread, sprinkled feta cheese and criss crossed roasted red peppers on top.  Baked at 350˚ for 20 minutes.  Sliced on the diagonal about every 1 1/2 inches.  Seriously delicious.  My sister makes this bread with an Italian loaf,  basil pesto and jack cheese.  Still including the red peppers.
It stayed light until around 9:15 pm.  Love that.  It was just long enough to knit two rows before falling into bed.  Not nearly enough knitting time, but I plan on changing that this week.
A great day to kick off the beginning of summer.

girls weekend

Last friday, after I put my kids on the bus, I hopped in the car and headed for Columbus, OH, for TNNA. Meeting my sister and mother there for the same reasons as before.  If you don't know anything about TNNA, it is where the retailers go to buy for their shops.  When I tell people where I am going, most look at me like I have lost my mind.  They can't believe I actually enjoy this sort of thing.  My kids call it the "knitting show" and I do believe they still think that I am on the stage, knitting.
But you all.  I KNOW you all would LOVE this.  So, I thought I would share a few things from the weekend.
Larissa, from Offhand Designs.  She is wonderful, as are her knitting bags.  They are stylish and sturdy with lots and lots of pockets. 
I just had to see the new line from Blue Sky Alpaca, Spud & Chloe.  Ali is designing patterns for them.  The yarn and patterns are absolutely wonderful.  The packaging of the patterns is adorable.  Like a sewing pattern.  You know, in its own envelope, and you pull it out and unfold it just like a sewing pattern.  LOVED it.
There are always a lot of book signings.  Nicky Epstein couldn't have been more lovely.  She stood and chatted with my mom and sister about her inspiration for her books.
I think you know how much I love Classic Elite.  Their combination of yarn/pattern is truly my favorite.  A couple of designers have joined their strong team.  Veronik Avery is launching her line of yarn along with a magazine. 
St-Denis yarn.  A soft wool in a fantastic range of colors.  I'd like to make several of her designs, and I have one in mind for Libby.  I'll have to wait though, as the yarn will not even hit stores until later in the summer.
And you all know mr. brooklynntweed.  He has a collection of gorgeous patterns that he has designed for them.  I got to get my photo with him.  However, I decided to take a nap while smiling.  The look just wasn't becoming.  But that really is Jared Flood, I promise.  And he is adorable.
I fell in love with a sweater in the fall '09 issue of VOGUEknitting.  Actually, there were a couple I liked.  Oh! And do you know about VK360˚?  Seeing the garment from every angle. Genius, if you ask me.  
Oh!  And another thing.  Interweave Knits also had some really cute patterns in their Fall 2009.  There is one in particular where the cable collar comes around and makes pockets.  Sounds weird?  I know.  Look for it though, I got to try it on and it was really cute.
All that yarn handling just made us want to knit.  And knit.  And knit.
Enjoy your day!