Medical >> Medical qualification Abbreviations
Look through 433 acronyms and abbreviations related to Medical qualification:
AAH | Associate in Allied Health | |
AAN | Associate of Arts in Nursing | |
AARCF | American Association for Respiratory Care Fellow | |
AAS | Associate in Applied Science | |
AAT | Associate of Arts in Teaching | |
AAT | Associate of Applied Technology | |
ACLS | Advanced Cardiac Life Support | |
ACNP-BC | Acute Care Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified | |
ACP | Applied Cognitive Psychology | |
ACRN | AIDS Certified Registered Nurse | |
ADN | Associate Degree in Nursing | |
AEMSN | Alternate Entry Master of Science in Nursing | |
ALNC | Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant | |
AMSc | Associate in Medical Science | |
ANP | Adult Nurse Practitioner | |
ANP-BC | Adult Nurse Practitioner- Board Certified | |
AOCN | Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse | |
AOCN | American Oncology Certified Nurse | |
AOCNP | Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner | |
AOCNS | Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
APMC | Advanced Project Management Certification | |
APN | Advanced Practice Nurse | |
APNP | Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber | |
APRN | Advanced Practice Registered Nurse | |
ARNP | Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner | |
ARRT | American Registry of Radiologic Technologists | |
ART | Accredited Record Technologist | |
ASCP | American Society for Clinical Pathology | |
ASN | Associate of Science in Nursing | |
ASNC | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | |
ASPO | American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics | |
ATC | Athletic Trainer, Certified | |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | |
BC | Bachelor of Surgery | |
BC-PCM | Board Certified - Palliative Care Management | |
BCh | Bachelor of Surgery | |
BCLS | Basic Cardiac Life Support | |
BDS | Bachelor of Dental Surgery | |
BDSc | Bachelor of Dental Science | |
BHS | Bachelor of Health Science | |
BHSc Nsg | Bachelor Health Science | |
bhyg | bachelor of hygiene | |
BM | Bachelor of Medicine | |
BM | Bachelor of Midwifery | |
BMS | Bachelor of Medical Science | |
BN | Bachelor of Nursing | |
BPHARM | Bachelor of Pharmacy | |
bphn | bachelor of public health nursing | |
BS | Bachelor of Science (clear in education line) | |
BSEd | Bachelor of Science in Education |
BSEH | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health | |
BSM | Bachelor of Science in Medicine | |
BSN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | |
BSPH | Bachelor of Science in Public Health | |
BSW | Bachelor of Social Work | |
BVMS | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Science | |
C-SPI | Certified Specialist in Poison Information | |
CANP | Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner | |
CAPA | Certified Ambulatory Post-Anesthesia Nurse | |
CAPA | Certified Ambulatory Perianesthesia Nurse | |
CARN | Certified Addiction Registered Nurse | |
CATN-I | Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing - Instituteuctor | |
CATN-I | Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing - Instructor | |
CATN-P | Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing - Provider | |
CB | Bachelor of Surgery | |
CBE | Chemical and Biological Engineering | |
CBI | Certificate in Breast Imaging | |
CCC-A | Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology | |
CCC-SLP | Certificate of Clinical Competance in Speech language pathology | |
CCCN | Certified Continence Care Nurse | |
CCE | Certified Childbirth Educator | |
CCES | Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist | |
CCM | Certified Case Manager | |
CCNS | Critical Care Nurse Specialist | |
CCNS | Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
CCP | Certified Cardiovascular Perfusionist | |
CCP | Certified Clinical Perfusionist | |
CCRN | Critical Care Registered Nurse | |
CCSP | Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician | |
CCST | Chiropractic Certification in Spinal Trauma | |
CCTC | Certified Clinical Transplant Coordinator | |
CCTN | Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse | |
CCTRN | Certified Critical Care Transportation Nurse | |
CD | Clinical Dietitian | |
CD | Certified Doula | |
CDA | Certified Dental Assistant | |
CDDN | Certified Developmental Disabilities Nurse | |
CDMS | Certified Disability Management Specialist | |
CDN | Certified Dialysis Nurse | |
CDONA/LTC | Certified Director of Nursing Administration/Long Term Care | |
CEN | Certified Emergency Nurse | |
CETN | Certified Enterostomal Therapy Nurse | |
CFCN | Certified Foot Care Nurse | |
CFN | Certified Forensic Nurse | |
CFNP | Certified Family Nurse Practitioner | |
CFRN | Certified Flight Registered Nurse | |
CGN | Certified Gastroenterology Nurse | |
CGRN | Certified Gastroenterology Registered Nurse | |
CGT | Certified Gastroenterology Technician | |
ChB | Bachelor of Surgery |
ChD | Doctor of Surgery | |
CHES | Certified Health Education Specialist | |
CHN | Certified Hemodialysis Nurse | |
chpn | certified hospice and palliative nurse | |
CHRN | Certified Hyperbaric Registered Nurse | |
CHUC | Certified Health Unit Coordinator | |
CIC | Certified in Infection Control | |
CLA | Certified Laboratory Assistant | |
CLNC | Certified Legal Nurse Consultant | |
CLPNI | Certified Licensed Practitioner Nursing, Intravenous | |
CLS | Certified Laboratory Scientist | |
CLS | Clinical Laboratory Specialist | |
CLT | Certified Laboratory Technician | |
CLT | Clinical Laboratory Technician | |
CM | Master in Surgery | |
CM | Chirurgiae Magister | |
CM | Certified Midwife | |
CMA | Certified Medical Assistant | |
CMA-A | Certified Medical Assistant - Administrative | |
CMA-C | Certified Medical Assistant, Clinical | |
CMCN | Certified Managed Care Nurse | |
CMDSC | Certified MDS Coordinator | |
CMSRN | Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse | |
CNA | Certified Nursing Assistant | |
CNA | Certified in Nursing Administration | |
CNA-A | Certified Nursing Assistant, Advanced | |
CNAA | Certified in Nursing Administration, Advanced | |
CNDLTC | Certified Nursing Director of Long-Term Care | |
CNE | Certified Nurse Educator | |
CNI | Clinical Nursing Intern | |
CNLCP | Certified Nurse Life Care Planner | |
CNM | Certified Nurse Midwifery | |
CNMT | Certified Nuclear Medical Technologist | |
CNN | Certified Nephrology Nurse | |
CNNP | Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner | |
CNO | Chief Nursing Officer | |
CNP | Certified Nurse Practitioner | |
CNP | Community Nurse Practitioner | |
CNRN | Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse | |
CNS | Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
CNSN | Certified Nutrition Support Nurse | |
CO | Certified Orthotist | |
COCN | Certified Ostomy Care Nurse | |
COHN | Certified Occupational Health Nurse | |
COHN-S | Certified Occupational Health Nurse - Specialist | |
COHN-S/CM | Certified Occupational Health Nurse - Specialist/Case Manager | |
COHN/CM | Certified Occupational Health Nurse/Case Manager | |
COMA | Certified Ophthalmic Medical Assistant | |
CORLN | Certified Otorhinolaryngology Nurse | |
CORN | Certified Operating Room Nurse |
COTA | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant | |
CP | Certified Prosthetist | |
CPAN | Certified Post Anesthesia Nurse | |
CPDN | Certified Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse | |
CPFT | Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist | |
CPHQ | Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality | |
CPN | Certified Pediatric Nurse | |
CPNA | Certified Pediatric Nurse Associate | |
CPNL | Certified Practical Nurse, Long-term care | |
CPNP | Certified Pediatric Nurse Practioner | |
CPON | Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse | |
CPSN | Certified Plastic Surgical Nurse | |
CRN | Certified Radiologic Nurse | |
CRNA | Certified registered nurse anesthetist | |
CRNFA | Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant | |
CRNH | Certified Registered Hospice Nurse | |
CRNI | Certified Registered Nurse Infusion | |
CRNI | Certified Registered Nurse Intravenous | |
CRNL | Certified Registered Nurse, Long-term care | |
CRNO | Certified Registered Nurse in Ophthalmology | |
CRNP | Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner | |
CRRN | Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse | |
crrn-a | certified rehabilitation registered nurse – advanced | |
CRT | Certified Respiratory Therapist | |
CRTT | Certified Respiratory Therapy Technician | |
CS | Clinical Specialist | |
CSN | Certified School Nurse | |
CST | Certified Surgical Technologist | |
CTN | Certified Transcultural Nurse | |
CTRN | Certified Transport Registered Nurse | |
CUA | Certified Urologic Associate | |
CUCNS | Certified Urologic Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
CUNP | Certified Urologic Nurse Practitioner | |
CURN | Certified Urology Registered Nurse | |
CVN | Certified Vascular Nurse | |
CWCN | Certified Wound Care Nurse | |
CWOCN | Certified Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse | |
DA | Dental Assistant | |
DC | Doctor of Chiropractic | |
DCH | Doctor of Surgery | |
DCH | Diploma in Child Health | |
DCP | Diploma in Clinical Pathology | |
DDR | Diploma in Diagnostic Radiology | |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery | |
DDSC | Doctor of Dental Science | |
DM | Doctor of Medicine | |
DMD | Doctor of Dental Medicine | |
DME | Doctor of Medical Education | |
DMSc | Doctor of Medical Science | |
Dmt | Doctor of Medical Technology |
DMV | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | |
DN | Doctor of Nursing | |
DNC | Dermatology Nurse Certified | |
DNE | Doctor of Nursing Education | |
DNP | Doctor of Nursing Practice | |
DNS | Doctor of Nursing Science | |
DNSc | Doctor of Nursing Science | |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy | |
DON | Director Of Nursing | |
DOs | Doctor of Ocular Science | |
DP | Doctor of Pharmacy | |
DPH | Doctor of Public Health | |
DPHIL | Doctor of Philosophy | |
DPHN | Doctor of Public Health Nursing | |
DrNP | Doctor of Nursing Practice | |
DRPH | Doctor of Public Health | |
DS | Doctor of Science | |
DSC | Doctor of Science | |
DSW | Doctor of Social Work | |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | |
DVMS | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery | |
DVR | Doctor of Veterinary Radiology | |
DVS | Doctor of Veterinary Science | |
EDD | Doctor of Education | |
EMT-B | Emergency Medical Technician-Basic | |
EMT-D | Emergency Medical Technician-Defibrillation | |
EMT-P | Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic | |
EN | Enrolled Nurse | |
ENP | Emergency Nurse Practitioner | |
ENPC | Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course | |
ET | Enterostomal Therapist | |
FAAAI | Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology | |
faafp | fellow of the american academy of family physicians | |
FAAN | Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology | |
FAAN | Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing | |
FAAO | Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology | |
FAAO | Fellow of the American Academy of Osteopathy | |
FAAOS | Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons | |
FAAP | Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics | |
FAAPM | Fellow, American Academy of Pain Management | |
facaai | fellow of the american college of allergy, asthma & immunology | |
facc | fellow of the american college of cardiology | |
FACCP | Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians | |
facd | fellow of the american college of dentists | |
FACE | Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology | |
FACEP | Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians | |
facg | fellow of the american college of gastroenterology | |
FACOG | Fellow Of The American College Of Obstetrics And Gynecology | |
FACOOG | Fellow American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists | |
facp | fellow of the american college of physicians |
FACPM | Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine | |
FACR | Fellow of the American College of Radiology | |
facs | fellow of the american college of surgeons | |
FACSM | Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine | |
FAEN | Fellow, Academy of Emergency Nursing | |
FAGD | Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry | |
FAMA | Fellow of the American Medical Association | |
FAOTA | Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association | |
fapa | fellow of the american psychiatric association | |
FAPHA | Fellow of the American Public Health Association | |
fcap | fellow of the college of american pathologists | |
FCCM | Fellow of Critical Care Medicine | |
fcps | fellow of the college of physicians and surgeons | |
FDS | Fellow in Dental Surgery | |
FFA | Fellow Of The Faculty Of Anaesthetists | |
FFARCS | Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
FICA | Fellow of the International Chiropractic Association | |
FICC | Fellow of the International College of Chiropractors | |
FICS | Fellow of the International College of Surgeons | |
IPN | Immunisation Program Nurse | |
LAC | Licensed Acupuncturist | |
LAT | Laboratory Animal Technician | |
LAT | Licensed Athletic Trainer | |
LATC | Licensed Athletic Trainer, Certified | |
LC | Lighting Certified | |
LCCE | Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator | |
LCPC | Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor | |
LCSW | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | |
LDN | Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist | |
LDO | Licensed Dispensing Optician | |
LICSW | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | |
LM | Licensed Midwife | |
LMSW | Licensed Master of Social Work | |
LNC | Legal Nurse Consultant | |
LNCC | Legal Nurse Consultant Certified | |
LPC | Licensed professional counselor | |
LRCP | Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London | |
LRCS | Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
LRN | Low Risk Neonatal | |
LSN | Licensed School Nurse | |
LVN | Licensed Vocational Nurse | |
LVN | Licensed Visiting Nurse | |
MA | Master of Arts | |
MB | Bachelor of Medicine | |
MBA | Master of Business Administration | |
MBBS | Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (Latin: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) | |
MC | Master of Surgery | |
MCH | Master of Surgery | |
MD | Doctor of Medicine | |
MDS | Master of Dental Surgery |
ME | Menopause Educator | |
ME | Medical Examiner | |
MED | Master of Education | |
MEmerg Nsg | Masters Degree in Emergency Nursing Australia | |
MFT | Marriage and Family Therapist | |
MHE | Master of Health Education | |
MHN | Mental Health Nurse | |
MHS | Master of Health Science | |
MICN | Mobile Intensive Care Nurse | |
MLS | Master of Library Science | |
MLT | Medical Library Technician | |
MN | Master of Nursing | |
MN | Maternal Newborn | |
MPA | Master of Public Administration | |
MPAS | Master of Physician Assistant Studies | |
MPH | Master of Pharmacy | |
MPH | Master of Public Health | |
MPT | Master of Physical Therapy | |
Mrad | Master of Radiology | |
MRCP | member of the Royal College of Physicians | |
MRCS | member of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
mrl | medical records librarian | |
MS | Master of Surgery | |
MSc | Master of Surgery | |
MSD | Master of Science in Dentistry | |
MSEE | Master of Science in Electrical Engineering | |
MSEH | Master of Science in Environmental Health | |
MSLS | Master of Science in Library Science | |
MSN | Master Of Science In Nursing | |
MSSW | Master of Science in Social Work | |
MSurg | Master of Surgery | |
MSW | Master of Social Work | |
MT | Medical Technologist | |
MTA | Medical Technologist Assistant | |
MV | Medicas Veterinarius | |
NCSN | National Certified School Nurse | |
NCT | Nuclear Cardiology Technologist | |
ND | Doctor of Naturopathy | |
NE-BC | Nurse Executive-Board Certified | |
NEA-BC | Nurse Executive Advanced-Board Certified | |
NIC | Neonatal Intensive Care nurse | |
NMT | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | |
NMT | Nurse Massage Therapist | |
NNP | Neonatal Nurse Practition | |
NP | Nurse Practitioner | |
NPC | Nurse Practitioner, Certified | |
NPP | Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric | |
NREMT-P | Nationally Registered Paramedic | |
OCN | Oncology Certified Nurse | |
OCS | Orthopedic Clinical Specialist |
OD | Doctor of Optometry | |
OGNP | Obestetrics & Gynecology Nurse Practitioner | |
OHNCS | Occupational Health Nursing Clinical Specialist | |
ONC | Orthopedic Nurse Certified | |
OT-C | Occupational Therapist - Canada | |
OTA | Occupational Therapist Assistant | |
OTC | Orthopedic Technician, Certified | |
OTL | Occupational Therapist Licensed | |
OTR | Registered Occupational Therapist | |
OTR/L | Licensed Occupational Therapist | |
PA | Physician Assistant | |
PA-C | Physician's Assistant Certified | |
PALS | Pediatric Advanced Life Support | |
PCCN | Progressive Care Certified Nurse | |
PCNS | Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
PD | Doctor of Pharmacy | |
PHARMD | Doctor of Pharmacy | |
PharmG | Graduate in Pharmacy | |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy | |
PHN | Public Health Nurse | |
PHRN | Pre-Hospital Registered Nurse | |
PMHCNS | Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
PMHNP | Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner | |
PNP | Pediatric Nurse Practitioner | |
PTA | Physical Therapy Assistant | |
RD | Registered Dietician | |
RD | Registered Dietitian | |
RDA | Registered Dental Assistant | |
RDCS | Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer | |
RDH | Registered Dental Hygienist | |
RDMS | Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer | |
REEGT | Radiologic Electroencephalography Technologist | |
REPT | Registered Evoked Potentials Technologist | |
RHIA | Registered Health Information Administrator | |
RHIT | Registered Health Information Technician | |
RIPRN | Rural and Isolated Practice Registered Nurses | |
RMA | Registered Medical Assistant | |
RN | Registered Nurse | |
RN,C | Registered Nurse, Certified: American Academy Certified Nurse | |
RN-BC | Registered Nurse, Board Certified | |
RNA | Registered Nurse Anesthetist | |
RNC | Registered Nurse Certified | |
RNCS | Registered Nurse Certified Specialist | |
RNCS | Registered Nurse Clinical Specialist | |
RNFA | Registered Nurse First Assistant | |
RNP | Registered Nurse Practitioner | |
ROUB | Registered Ophthalmic Ultrasound Biometrist | |
RPH | Registered Pharmacist | |
RPN | Registered Practical Nurse | |
RPT | Registered Physical Therapist |
rRA | registered record administrator | |
RRT | Registered Respiratory Therapist | |
RT | Radiologic Technologist | |
RT | Registered Technologist | |
RTR | Registered Recreational Therapist | |
RVT | Registered Vascular Technologist | |
SANE-A | Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner-Adult/Adolescent | |
SANE-P | Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner-Pediatric | |
SBB | Specialist in Blood Banking | |
SC | Specialist in Chemistry | |
SCD | Doctor of Science | |
SCT | Specialist in Cytotechnology | |
SEN | State Enrolled Nurse | |
SH | Specialist in Hematology | |
shn | Sexual and reproductive Health Nurse | |
SLS | Specialist in Laboratory Safety | |
sm | Specialist in Microbiology | |
sm | Master of Surgery | |
SN | Student Nurse | |
spn | Student Professional Nurse | |
ST | Surgical Technician | |
SV | Specialist in Virology | |
svn | Student Veterinary Nurse | |
TNCC-I | Trauma Nursing Core Course Instructor | |
TNCC-I | Trauma Nursing Core Course Instituteuctor | |
TNCC-P | Trauma Nursing Core Course Provider | |
tnp | Telephone Nursing Practitioner | |
TNS | Trauma Nurse Specialist | |
VMD | Veterinary Medical Doctor | |
VT | Veterinary Technician | |
WCC | Wound Care Certified | |
WHNP | Women's Health Nurse Practitioner | |
wocn | Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurses |